Shark Tank Population Writing & Graph
Shark Tank Population Graph made by Kate & Ella!
We have (DHK5) been playing a game that is a called Shark Tank. There are Sharks, Minnows and Seaweed. The object of the game is to expand all the populations while everyone eating at the same time. The sharks eat the Minnows, and the Minnows eat Seaweed. We had to come up with different rules as we went along, figuring it out as a team. But I know that is relates to the real world as well.
We are like the sharks in the game. We are the biggest and most powerful. We eat the Minnows, that’s like the food we eat. Chickens, Turkeys, Cows, etc. The Minnows eat Seaweed, and that’s their food.
This shows how the game taught us information that later related to our own world. But also there is another relation. We are currently building a Spaceship, and brainstorming ideas for how we can gather food and oxygen. Since you can’t get a unlimited amount of anything, we had to figure out something else. We figured out that Animals and Plants are a perfect solution’s! We can eat the animals (Sharks), the animals can eat the plants (Minnows), and the plants eat the sunlight (seaweed)!
In conclusion this game has taught us new information about our current study. I am excited to use animals in our spaceship planning!