Category: Science

Shark Tank Population Explanation and Graph

Our food chain is just like the game Shark Tank. In the situation we are the sharks, the animals we are bringing on our spaceship are the minnows, and the seaweed is what the animals need to eat. They all connect to represent how we need to live, and how it relates to our spaceship project.

When we were playing Shark Tank for the first time, our populations would increase, and then decrease. This led to making sure we had the perfect plan, that would lead us to a victory. We couldn’t have a plan that worked in the beginning, but then absurdly decrease, just like the first time, it had to compel upwards. We eventually figured out how to do this, but our mission wasn’t yet done. We also had to figure out how to transfer this into our spaceship study.

We learned that we have to plan out how many animals we need to eat every week or day, so we won’t run out of food. And how much the animals need to eat in order to reproduce and provide food for us. We also have to figure out how long it takes for the animal to mature, and how often they have offspring. And then we need to figure out how much the animals need to eat.

This will continue in a circle for twenty more years, until we get back to earth.

The Atomic Model


When I made my atom I was thinking about how I’ve always pictured it in my mind. I have seen models similar in other videos, but never an exact replica of my idea. My model may not really go with the recent idea of an atom, but it is close. Before the outer space study, I didn’t really know a lot about atoms and how they were created. With more of an understanding, my idea became more clear. When I was making my atom I was thinking, how could my model work? Does this make sense? I figured out that it is mostly based off of discoveries of the protons and electrons being scrunched up together, in a ball.

I think my atom looks like Niels Bohr’s version of, particles staying in a certain spot and orbiting electrons and protons, 1913. I think this because in my picture there are these rings with moving electrons and protons inside of them.

In science class I learned that the middle of an atom is called the nucleus. In the nucleus there are protons and neutrons. Protons give out positive energy, and neutrons give out neutral energy. Around the nucleus, there is something called the electron cloud. In the electron cloud, there are electrons, which give out negative energy. All of these things create todays understanding of the atom.