Tagged: CLW5


Bzzzzllll llllzzz SYSTEMS REROUTING. ARMS FUNCTIONAL, LEGS FUNCTIONAL, MEMORY SYSTEM REROUTING. These are the words I hear in my head when I wake up. My memory system does not recall what happened. I might have powered down by accident or I could’ve fallen down and hurt myself, but I don’t think I would hurt myself so badly.

I look around but all I see is sand. My night vision is on so it’s quite possibly dark, but with the sand swirling around it’s impossible to tell. There isn’t any sign of robots or electric pulses. I check my gyro to see where I am, but my gyro is still relocating. I start to walk. The ground feels odd like there is nothing left and it has given up. My foot catches on something and I trip. I fall face first over a sand dune.

Lllllzzzzzz bbllzzz LEGS REROUTING, ARMS REROUTING. I have landed on something very hard, probably metal. I get up. Towering around me are millions of robots from small miners to huge warmachines. The only catch is every single one is dead. All power has left the bodies. It is the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know know what to do. I’ve never seen a dead robot. I lived in Utopia, the greatest city in the collected planets. There was no currency or war, but there also weren’t any sapiens. All sapiens have died off or have gotten robotic parts like me. There are no more sapiens left. Robots came around about 3745. A sapien scientist was able to create a robot that thought and worked on it’s own. Everyone thought that was a good idea so they copied the scientist and soon enough, there was an entire race of robots.

This graveyard doesn’t seem like someone put it here by accident. Every robot looks like a number in a kill count. Also everything has its power drained. I look around. I don’t see any other sign of death than a power outage. Power outages are terrible and rare. They’re a form of natural disaster that can happen when an electron hole gets too close to an inhabited planet and sucks all power from the galaxy.

There is still something incredibly fishy about this. All these robots are dumped together in a big pile as if someone made a metalwhale eat a giant clump of goop and then spit it out. I approach the pile incredibly cautiously. Who knows what kind of creature might be luuurrrrk… AAAAAAHHHHHH!

SYSTEM DAMAGED. SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE! A Giant wurm has just ripped a hole in the ground where I was just standing! It hit my hand and now my hand resides thirty to twenty feet away and it is broken in half. Good thing that that part of my body is mechanical!

This creature is probably hungry, meaning that it will probably want to come back for more. Just then I feel a quake and the creature bursts out of the ground and springs toward me. I am so startled that I only have enough time to fire three shots up its throat before its jaws are around me.


SYSTEMS ONLINE. SYSTEM DAMAGED. SEEK MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. That was close. My shots must have connected just in the nick of time. I currently lay stuck in the middle of two front jaws. My head is inches from the sharper second layer of teeth. I hoist myself out from the two teeth and make my journey to the back of this monstrosity.

I am walking to the back of the wurm. I predict that a I’m in the rib cage. This monster is confusing. It is not wet even though I’m in the throat. I can’t see any bones either and I probably would.

“Exterminate, Exterminate.” I jump back in surprise. My sensors are picking up a life form. Just then a giant mech jumps out of the shadows and opens fire.


¨Where am I?” ¨I say. “Welcome to Laputa City!” says an old man.

SYSTEMS REROUTING. SYSTEMS PARALYZED, UNABLE TO MOVE. Uggggggggghhhhhhh, everything hurts. That mech must have only set it´s cannons to stun. I´m in a dark cave or room. My sensors say that I’m underground.

“Ah, so you’re awake,” says someone who I can’t see. I´m surprised and I jump back. An old man is standing in the corner. HE’S A HUMAN! “YOU’RE A HUMAN!” I say. “And that I am,” he says. A live human has not been discovered in approximately four thousand years.

When my heart stops pounding, I say, “I thought you all died in the war?”

“Well actually you and your clunky body just landed yourself in the last remaining human colony in the entire galaxy!” he says. “Now what brings you down here today?” he asks. Still in shock, I answer “I woke up on top of a sand dune with my memory system broken.” “Ohhh,” he says “You probably fell down here because of the war!”

“WHAT!?” “There is a war going on!?” I scream. “Yes,” he says “You probably don’t remember because your memory system is broken.” “What war is it?” I ask. “DR22 versus 3OPC fighting over land like always.” He responds. “I have to get off this planet, especially if there is a war going on!” I shout. “Ok, fine,” he says. “Follow me.”

He leads me farther down into the cave. I have night vision but I have no idea how he can see. I see light up ahead and I get excited, but then I see that this light is just a ceiling lamp. We walk for a little bit longer. Then we turn a corner and there it is, the most beautiful thing in the world: spirling cathedrals, gigantic skyscrapers, and a landing dock. On the landing dock there are ships spanning from the biggest cruisers to the tiniest speeder. All the people are human. There are little human kids playing in the streets and grown up humans with shops full of delicate pastries and cakes.

“Wow,” I say, “this is really paradise.” The old man leads me to the the landing platform and points at a ship. “That one’s going to be yours,” he says. “Ok,” I say but why are there two seats?” I ask. “Because it’s dangerous to go alone, take this. I want you to have a friend on this journey,” he responds. Just then a dog jumps through his legs and and starts licking my face. “Thank you,” I say. “Well, I best gotta get going,” he says. “Thank you,” I respond. Then I hop in the space ship with my new found friend (the dog) and we takeoff.


The Circuit Essay

Whenever Francisco has a joy or friend in his life he is moved away from it.

Some people don’t have a place to settle. They never have a place to call home and they can never have real friends. This can have an effect on people. If someone doesn’t have a place to call home they usually can’t feel welcomed or safe. In the book The Circuit by Francisco Jimenez, Francisco has to move around against his will. Whenever Francisco has a joy or friend in his life he is moved away from it.

Francisco is moved around and people don’t acknowledge his accomplishments. This is revealed when Francisco comes home to tell his parents that he got the medal for his art but they tell him they are moving. ¨That day I could hardly wait to tell Mama and Papa the great news… I saw that everything we owned was neatly packed in cardboard boxes¨ pg.83. Francisco was proud of his accomplishment but then when he wanted to share it with his parents they literally and figuratively move away from it.  

Francisco usually finds something that interests him but then it is taken away from him. Francisco starts a penny collection but then it is burnt in a fire. Before that, Francisco is looking for two pennies that he’s missing and it turned out that his sister used them on gumballs. “YOU USED THEM ON GUMBALLS!” I think the fury in Francisco’s voice means that he just lost something he cared about for a bad reason.

Francisco wanted to help his family but something was in the way. He could help his family by earning a cotton sack so that he could help them pick cotton. Francisco wanted to earn his cotton sack but he couldn’t because he wasn’t physically strong enough. When he realizes that he can’t earn it he gets sad. ¨I knew I had not yet learned my cotton sack.¨ I imagine him being sad that he can’t help his family have a better life.

In The Circuit by Francisco Jimenez, Francisco is constantly moved around and whenever he has a joy of friend in his life he is moved away from it. The medals from his artwork, the pennies that were used on gumballs, and the cotton sack are all examples of this. Francisco has a bad life and no friends. But he does bond with unusual objects.