Learning Habit Check-In


In the past 2 weeks I have persevered  a lot. I have been having some trouble in Math and Spanish. To help me I have re-done math problems and Spanish sheets. I have also been meeting with my tutors for both classes. Another way I have persevered is is by revising my Humanities work.  This is how I have aligned my learning habit with my actions. One thing that I can keep doing to keep my learning habit aligned is keep studying things that I am having trouble with.

“But both of us know that their ways are strange, and there are unimaginable things to cry about, Phulan cries herself to sleep.”


I shiver, i’m cold, my teeth chatter, it is not cold where I am, but i’m drowning in a pool of cold tears. I don’t know how I can continue to live like this. Continue with my life being set up for me, not having a choice about how I will live. But I want to live well, I want to grow up and have as many sons as I please, I want to marry whoever I want. But I do not have that choice nor does Shabanu. Mother didn’t have that choice, that choice to be free, free to be with whomever she wished. I want to be free. But the thought of knowing that I can’t be free, and the thought of knowing that I can’t be happy with whoever I want. Slowly shuts my eyes and makes everything dark, it’s as if i’m seeing my soul and how dark, stormy and filled with sorrow  it is. But I know that it’s just my eyes telling me to relax and let go and to sleep a good night’s sleep. And to have some hope, in my mind and in my heart that everything will be okay.


My hands are grasping to Shabanu’s i’m so scared that I just don’t want to move but I know that if I don’t move they will get me, then after they get me I wouldn’t be able to move because I would be to scared to do anything. I look around and see if there is anyone who can help me and Shabanu, but it’s as if there is no one else alive, no one else living here or anywhere. But I know that people are there i’m just too scared to see them.  My heart is pounding i’m sweating and I feel as if i’m about to cry myself a whole river, for the second time at first I found myself crying a river in the safety of my own home, crying a river because I was afraid or worried. Now I find myself crying a river right here where everyone could see me I don’t know which one is worse. Which reason is worth crying for, all I know is that I can’t move but somehow I find myself moving. 

HONY creative revision piece

My name is Saarah and I am a Muslim. No i’m not a terrorist, no i’m not planting a bomb in this airport, and no i’m not leaving my home because it is unsafe.  I’m leaving my home because I have a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have been accepted into NYU. NYU is my dream, I really want to become an actress, I love acting I guess you could call it my “passion” Here in Indonesia there aren’t a lot of acting agencies or acting schools. My family can’t afford a TV so if I want to see tv I have to walk for about 45 minutes to my  friend Amira’s house  and that’s only sometimes. She has a vacation home here, but she lives in Israel. I’ve always wanted to go to college, so when I got a letter saying I got in I could not wait to go. It’s a big deal for me because most of the people in my family didn’t go to college, not because they couldn’t afford it but because they didn’t think that it was important. My family told me not to go to New York because Donald Trump was the president and he has very strong feelings about Muslims. I thought about for a while and then I told my family that  I’m not going to stay here, I’m going to NYU, and no president is going to stop me. No matter how rich or poor, no matter what their race or religion. No president is going to stop me from being who I want to from being who I want to be! And most definitely no president is going to tell me that I am a dangerous  person just because of my religion. And with that I left, I left my home and drove to the airport. I had a feeling in my gut, a feeling telling me to stop, to turn around to stop dreaming to stop hoping because nothing good would come out of leaving! They voices of my family played in my head, “Don’t go” my brother Jason said “Please don’t leave us we love you” Said my Grandparents. “If you walk out of this door, you will no longer be a part of this family!” My father said.” your name Saarah means pure and happy, if you leave we, your friends will no longer be happy.” Said my neighbor Zyva. I wanted to be a part of the family but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to go to NYU to pursue my dreams! A tear trickled down my face. My heart felt heavy, dull and empty. It was one of the worst feelings in the whole world, I had never felt a feeling like it and I didn’t know what to do. But all I knew was that someone, someone in the world someone who cared about me wouldn’t care that I left. I know what you’re thinking how does someone who cares about  you not care about you? This person would care about me, but they would want me to be happy in my own self. They would want me to do what was best for me.   



The ropes course was very unpleasant because it was scary, I felt very unsafe, and my helmet was choking me.  

The ropes course was very unpleasant because it was scary. Before the ropes course I had to put on a harness and a helmet. For most of the course I was five feet off the ground. First I walked up a ladder, which lead to a tight rope of some sorts, a bridge with two strings that would move around, a tree branch that I walk along, and then I walked across wooden blocks hanging from a string and they would always move around. That part was difficult because I had to stay on the right of the blocks unless I  would  have gotten stuck in the rope. In the end it was scary because I got stuck in the rope and my helmet was choking me. The ladder was also very scary because it  would tip over and I had to balance myself on it. There were spotters standing on each side of me  in case I started to tip they would push me back up on the ladder. The ladder tipped over three times which means I fell of that ladder three times, I was fearful . At one point I was hanging on the back of the ladder I was trying to get off but my foot was stuck! All of these events made the ropes course a bad experience for me!  The ropes course was unpleasant because it was scary.