Summer Reading

This summer I read Inside Out and Back Again By Thanhha Lai. Ha is a ten year old Saigonese girl. Saigon is a beautiful place everyone loves the thrills of its market, and their wonderful traditions. But lately Ha and her family have been seeing bombs go off in the distance. Things got even worse when they turned on their TV one morning, and saw their president Thieu, was brim with tears telling his people that he cannot continue to be the president. He told everyone that he would never leave his people and his country. Now they have no one to rule them to protect them and the Vietnam War has reached Ha and her family’s home.

They had no choice but to flee Saigon and all that’s there with it, the papaya tree growing in her backyard and all her friends. They fled by Navy ship, they were lucky that Ha’s father had worked in the Navy unless they would not be able to get on that boat.They went to California. They were only able to pack one pair of pants, one pair of shorts, three pairs of underwear, two shirts, sandals, toothbrush and paste, soap, ten palms of rice grains, and three clumps of cooked rice. They didn’t know what there new life would bring them but they knew that they would be safe, and they were.  

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