Summer Reading

This summer I read The Diary Of Anne Frank. Anne Frank is a jewish girl who sadly happened to be caught in World War 2, between  Adolf Hitler and his army of  Nazis against the Jews. Her diary was found in the attic in which she spent the last years of her life. Anne was born on June 12th, 1929 in Frankfurt. By this time Hitler owned most Europe. Her father Otto Frank did not wait for the the Natizs to force them out of the their country. In 1933 the Franks left Frankfurt. Mrs. Frank and her two daughters Margot and Anne joined her mother (their grandmother) Achen, near the Belgian border. Meanwhile Otto Frank went directly to Holland. There he became a worker in a food products business. In the spring of 1943 the Franks reunited and settled in Amsterdam.

Everything was going great Anne was living the life of any other Dutch girl. But all of the changed in 1940 when the Germans invaded Holland. That’s when  all the anti-Jewish rules were placed and Jews were sent to extermination camps. The Dutch protested and striked but there was nothing that they could do. In February 1941 the Nazis launched their first roundup of Jews in Amsterdam. From there they were sent to reception camps at Westerbork and Vught and from there shipped into eastward in Germany. The roundups kept continuing and that’s when Anne’s father made arrangements to go into hiding. On July 5th, 1942 the Germans summoned for Anne’s 16 year old sister Margot to report to deportation. The next morning they went into hiding.

After being in hiding for a couple of years they heard the good news that they were going to be rescued. They were so happy they even started making plans of what they were going to do when the returned to their normal lives. There were death threats against Hitler unless the Nazis surrendered. The Germans did not surrender.  Many other countries helped  the English defeat the Germans, but sadly they were not able to rescue everyone.

Everyone like Anne. Anne and her family were selected to be moved to Belsen in Germany. On there way there Annes mother died. Her father was lucky enough to be rescued by the Russians. In Belsen Margot got sick sick and died. Anne was not informed of her sisters death but once she sensed it she died shortly after. Weeks before the war ended.

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