Big Bang video

Hi! My name is Xander! In science we did this project of the Big Bang. We were trying to recreate the Big Bang. We had a lot of time to work on it and we had limited resources. The goal was to make it as acurate as possible. Something that was acurate was it exploded like the Big Bang.  Something that wasn’t like the Big Bang was the Big Bang was sooooooooooooooo fast and ours was slow.


Directer: Dan

Actors: Xander, Matais, and Drew

Special Guest: Finn



Human computer

Being a human computer was really fun. Clair put into different parts of a computer. The process  was the users told the peripherals what to do then they gave it to the bios after that the bios gave it to the CPU which gave it to the hard drive then lastly gave it to the ram and brought it back to the users. It was really fun. I was bios and CPU. The one role I would have liked to do would be the hard drive. I thought it was really cool.  I noticed that the more and more programs the users  ask to do the longer it took. I also learned that not to get mad at the computers anymore because it’s really hard to do the work it does.

My font


What I did was I added a block line in the letter. I did that because I thought it would be cool to have a line in it and I’v never seen it before in a font. Also when you write with it and all the letters are close it looks like one big block through it. The one I did before was  making a smiley face in each letter, but that didn’t work because you couldn’t see the letter. This one I really like.


First couple of weeks at da middle school

The first couple of weeks have been really fun. Middle school is much different than lower school. We get much more freedom this year and we have a homeroom. Homeroom is really fun because I like when you don’t have every class in our classroom.  Also we get chocolate milk and desert at lunch. I like middle school so much more and i’m having a great year.

Multi-Media Classroom


The crossover by Kwame Alexander

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

     The book I read over the summer was called The Crossover by Kwame Alexander. I think the author really liked basketball because the setting of the book was mostly on the basketball court. The main characters in the book are Josh Bell and JB they are twin brothers that are 14, they’re on the same basketball team and play great together on the court. The book also had a lot of descriptive writing about basketball. Like my favorite line in the book when she wrote “ to JB, who skips downtown zips around then double dips it in the bowl SWOOSH.” They’re many problems in this book but the main one is that Josh and JB’s dad has hypertension and he is really sick, but he doesn’t like doctors so he keeps not going to the doctor and keeps getting more and more sick.

In the beginning of the book it explains who the characters are and what they’re like. Then in the middle of the book it’s all about their basketball careers and what they want to do in college and when they get older. Also what happens in the middle is that JB gets a girlfriend and he is hypnotized in a way because all he thinks about is her and cares less and less about basketball. There is also a problem in the middle when Josh gets suspended from the basketball team and school. He gets so angry. His mom who is also the vice principal suspended him because he was bad in school. Josh missed the semi final game. Later his mom decides to lets him play in the finals. Before the game Josh and his dad were playing one on one and when Chuck, their dad, was going to dunk, he fell. They called an ambulance to pick him up. He was in a coma for a while but eventually he woke up. He was in the hospital recovering and everyone thought he was getting better. But on the day of the game he had a heart attack! JB was crying so much and was so sad, instead of going to the game he went to the hospital. Josh went to the game and scored at the buzzer and won the championship! Sadly, after the game, Chuck Bell died of a heart attack.  He was 39.  Chuck played in the NBA so it was all over the news. Before he died he gave his championship ring to josh.

I really enjoyed this book because I LOVE basketball and this book was about basketball. I also liked this book because the book was written in verse and I thought that was really cool. Lastly I liked this book because I thought this author was really good at making me feel like I was connected to the characters.  It made the book very interesting. I recommend this book to kids that love basketball and like books that are told in poems. I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Book Reviews

This book is a book review I am proud of.  I thought Sitting Bull was a really cool person so it was fun to make a book review on him and make the book review really good. I am most proud of using descriptive language.

This book I am also proud of because it was my first book review and I can see how much I changed from my first to last. Like in my first I wasn’t so descriptive but in my last I was.

Bacon’s Adventure

This was an assighment that Dan and Jen gave to us. They gave us a sheet of papper and draw the main character. It was really fun. Then we wrote a story about of the drawing. After that we made a squekwal and a third paragraph. Last but not least we edited for a long time until it was great. It was one of my favorite assighments.

Once upon a time there lived a weird pig named Bacon. He was born in 1898. He had spiky hair, three eyes, seven  legs, a nose with three nostrils, and could fly. His favorite food was bacon. All he ate was bacon. Every night he would hunt pig and eat the bacon off them. He used to live in Florence, Italy . One night he took a journey to New York City because he wanted to go to Bacon Land. He flew over there, the journey took two days. When he got there he went to Ellis Island because you had to if you wanted to come to America. You had to pass inspections to see if something is wrong with you.  When he got there the inspector gave him a X on him because he was a pig. Bacon said, “My name is Bacon it doesn’t start with an X.” Later after Bacon passed the test he was free to go anywhere. Bacon knew where he was going. He went to Bacon Land which is in Times Square. Since Bacon could fly, he flew to Times Square. For some reason, all the bacon in the world was there and that is the only reason Bacon wanted to come to America.

He was so excited that he ate all the bacon in the world. Then exploded.

 Bacon’s parents were very happy because they did not like bacon because he was a cannibal and they did not like him being one. There whole speech at his funeral was about how happy they were. They went on and on about how much they hated bacon and how they kept trying to kill him.  Even his sister was happy. Her name is HammyPammy but she hated pigs and Bacon. But loved cows.

After he exploded he came out a ghost and was so hungry …

Then when bacon was walking over to bacon land he saw Elmo smacking a kid in the face because the kid liked cookie monster more than Elmo. Bacon did not like it because he likes Elmo more than cookie monster. So Bacon wanted to smack the kid in the face too. Then the police came and arrested Bacon and Elmo. They became cellmates in jail and became best friends. Until Elmo ate bacon. THE END


Math Work that I’m proud of

I’m  proud of this work because I think I made my work clean and I took my time on it. When I was working on it I got frusterated for a long time. What I did was I read the question over 3 times and then I felt like a knew what to do and I felt good about my work. Also I got to label my work and I was working on that so I’m proud of that. For the second problem I think I could have worked harder on that.
