Category: Classes

Apple Vs FBI

In d-lab we talked about apple giving the skeleton key to the FBI. We talked about the upsides to that and the down sides.

I talked to my family about apple giving the FBI the skeleton key. I have mixed feelings about tit. I think they should’t give it to them, because it could open ANYONE’s apple phone, but I think I should give it to them because they need to know if the person that committed the crime was talking to other people to do something else bad. People have personal texts, pictures, emails, and much more that could be exposed. For one, people could hack in to the FBI.  I don’t know if the FBI has that that much security that it would be safe enough. And two, apple customers might stop buying from them. But I also think that there should be a way to access the person’s phone that they need.

My Atom

Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 9.22.18 AMHi everyone! This is my atom. The blue and green circles are protons and neutrons. The atomic mass on the periodic table is 4 for Helium, and the atomic number is 2. You take the 4, and minus the 2 and get 2. That is the amount of protons and the amount of neutrons. All together, there are 4. Then you have to add the electrons witch is always the same number of neutrons and it is 2. The electrons are an orbit. It makes the electron cloud.

Being turned in to a computer

In d.lab, Claire turned us in to a computer. We each got a part of a computer. Some parts were: Hard drive, RAM, Peripherals, Bios, fan, and user. I was a user and an peripheral. It was really fun. We were acting like a computer, and doing computer work. The user would call out a computer action, then we would do it.

My font



Hi everyone! This is my font. It got cut of so it is hard to read. I liked it when you could read it. In art we had a  ¨rule¨ of your font. The rule of mine was that all letters were curly at the end. I might redo my font to make it so you could see it better. My font does not have a name.

The first weeks of school were great! I love middle school! I love all of the classes. I also love having dessert at lunch. Middle school makes me feel older and more independent. On the first day of school I thought that I would get lost a million times. Luckily I have only got lost once 😉  Middle school is so different from lower school. We have lockers, MS meeting and student reps. We also had its my park day when LREI students come and clean up the park that we have recess at. We paint things and clean things.22741025792_4dc0435b60_m

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 820083._UY200_Over the summer I read an amazing book called Deenie. It was very well written. The author is named Judy Blume. The main character is named Deenie. Deenie is a normal girl. She is thirteen years old. But one day she gets diagnosed with Scoliosis. That means that she has to wear a brace on her back. Deenie hates the brace. It makes her look weird. Her mom also doesn’t like it. Her mom wanted Deenie to be a model. Deenie could not be a model with the brace. Deenie didn’t want to be a model so she was glad the she did not have be one. But she was still angry that she had to wear a brace. She wondered how her friends and classmates would think of her.


The first time Dennie saw the brace that she was going to have to wear, she wanted to scream.Forget it! I am never going to wear that thing.Deenie has to wear the brace to school. There are always times when she wants to take the brace of. One time, she wanted to take the brace of more than anything because she did not want people to make fun of her. Her father said no. She really wanted to. Her father was not there at that moment so she thought that she should take it off. But she made the right choice and kept it on. Deenie’s mom got upset when she finds out that Deenie has Scoliosis. She wanted Deenie to be a model.


I really liked this book. It talks about challenges that Deenie had to overcome. Like being afraid of someone bullying you. Or not being able to do something that you wanted to do. I think a lot of people could enjoy this book. It is very well written. I rate this book ⭑⭑⭑⭑


Immigrant dolls

Charlotte O’Toole Moore

Today we received our own blogs. My first post is about an immigrant doll that I made. In class we have been studying immigration. I am really excited to have my own blog. I can’t wait to write more and post it. My doll is from Ireland. She is wearing a skirt and shirt. She is also carrying a suitcase. Her name is Charlotte O’Toole  Moore. We put newspaper in the shape of a human, then put paper maché on it, then painted it and put fabric on it. The hardest part was painting the face. I messed up three times. Finally I got it. I still don’t like her eyes, but I am proud!