Gun Violence

I talked to my family about gun violence. It is a horrible thing. The 2nd amendment says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That means if you feel threatened or like someone will physically hurt you, you can be armed and shoot them. I don’t agree with that fully, because many times, people think that someone is trying to hurt them, so they shoot them. I turns out that sometimes that is not true, and the person that is accusing the other person of hurting them, shoots them, and it turns out that they were innocent. I think if you are selling guns, you have to do a very severe, specific back round check to make sure that the person you are selling the gun to, is not mentally ill, a terrorist, or just someone dangerous or bad. I think we also need more access to health care, if you are mentally ill, so that we can get help for them so they won’t do something bad like shoot someone. I think it is racist when people target certain races. I feel like they have no right to do that! If one person from a race did something wrong, than other people would be scared of EVERYONE from that race. I think people are scared of muslims because of ISIS, and black people because they think they are dangerous. But the truth is muslims and black people aren’t bad! Maybe a few of them are, but that does not mean they all are!

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