Category: Classes

Internal Monologue Final Frame


I can hear the murmuring of the crowd, the joyful  sobs of my mother, the clink of armor and the footsteps of someone slowly walking towards me. I open my eyes. There he is standing in front of me, his robe glistening with jewels, the King. I look to my left and see my parents, full of pride. It makes me happy. I look to my right and see the knights and their shining armor, that will be me soon. I’ve memorized the oath but with all this pressure I’m afraid I might mess up. After all I’ve gone through I can’t mess this up. I’m uncomfortable and perspiring but the conditions are probably worse in armor. This is the most important part of my life.I’m about to become a knight.

I close my eyes. I remember all the things that led up to this moment. My friends and I were determined to become knights just like our fathers. But only Gawain and I made it this far. When I was seven I started sword training. At eight I learned how to ride a horse. By the time I was thirteen I was adept at cavalry, swordsmanship and chivalry. I’m proud of myself  because all my hard work and training paid off. It was worth the struggle. During training we would constantly get hurt. But we persevered. There were even some times when I wanted to give up. I’m glad I didn’t because then I wouldn’t be here now.

After I become a knight I’ll save damsels and go on adventures. I will bring honor to my family and the King. They’ll be so proud. What happens when there’s a war? Will I be called on to fight?  All my friends might die. I hope I don’t die. Perhaps I shouldn’t be a knight. What about when there’s peace? What will I do, will I get bored? Will the King send me on missions? Maybe I’ll do tournaments. When I’m a knight I’ll probably get rich and famous. Then I’ll probably raise my own children and train them to become knights too. It all starts now so I better not mess up.

The King draws his sword. I stop breathing. I feel the sword on my left shoulder. I feel the sword on my right shoulder. I say the oath, and the room explodes in applause. Finally, I’m a knight.

Science Diorama

1- Our science diorama is about tunnels and aqueducts


Water tunnels and aqueducts are very useful when it comes to delivering clean water to N.Y.C., but it also has some problems. Most of the tunnels aren’t very new so sometimes the water tunnel breaks and people have to fix it. The Delaware Aqueduct will carries about half of the city’s water and it will have to be temporarily drained for repairs in 2022. The aqueduct is so leaky in one stretch through rural Wawarsing that New York City is buying dozens of homes above it that were plagued with flooded basements and squishy lawns. The leaks are far worse where the tunnel travels under the Hudson by Newburgh, but homes are not affected. Between 15 million and 35 million gallons of water seep through cracks each day, enough to quench a small city. The bypass will permanently replace the leakiest portion of the tunnel. The other cracked stretch will be repaired. Before workers begin digging the bypass tunnel next year, they first need to complete the entry shafts on opposite sides of the Hudson River at Newburgh and Wappinger.

Resources: The Washington Times

Ashokan Paragraph

My favorite part of Ashokan was doing the ropes course. For the ropes course there are six stages, the first one was the hardest because it was so wobbly. The second one was really easy, because all you had to do was walk across a wire. My favorite stage was the zip line because you could scream something funny while zooming across a wire. There was a rule where you had to clip in before you clip out and for the zip line I screamed that in a tune.  I think that the ropes course is a good activity to do. I really liked the ropes course because  it’s in the wilderness so you could do other things while you were waiting for your turn. In other activities when you weren’t doing the activity you would just be sitting. In the ropes course you could walk around and explore the area, or help the staff. You could talk with other people and listen to what the children on the zip line say. In the ropes course you had to put a harness on so you wouldn’t fall. I liked this because you could swing around and feel like you’re flying but you couldn’t swing around too much. It’s very fun and also a good workout. The ropes course was the perfect mix of challenge and exhilaration, and that’s why It was my favorite part of Ashokan.