How to stop a camel brawl – Dalil (Tatsuya)
If you’re like me, a nomad living in Pakistan 1890 with camels and a family, you’ll know that sometimes camels fight. This is a short guide on how to stop camel brawls, should they occur. If you’re not familiar with camel brawls, they usually go about like this… First one camel will challenge the dominant male, they will usually roar signalling the start of the duel. Of course, you don’t want there to be brawl because both camels might die. What you want to do is beat at both camels with sticks or other objects to distract them from each other. Make sure to do this early because if you’re too late they will be obsessed with trying to kill each other. After whacking the camels try and push your stick in between their mouths to stop them from further wounds. Eventually the challenger will back off happy to be alive. Beware, for the other camel will now realize his wounds, he will then turn to you, the one who inflicted them. Since you can’t beat a camel you have to run away, try throwing something at his face to distract him. This will give you enough time to run to safety. I have been in this situation before and this strategy almost always works. Eventually the camels will cool off.
Thank you for reading this short guide on how to stop camel brawls I’ll be back next week with another intriguing how to guide.
- Dalil