Science Diorama
1- Our science diorama is about tunnels and aqueducts
Water tunnels and aqueducts are very useful when it comes to delivering clean water to N.Y.C., but it also has some problems. Most of the tunnels aren’t very new so sometimes the water tunnel breaks and people have to fix it. The Delaware Aqueduct will carries about half of the city’s water and it will have to be temporarily drained for repairs in 2022. The aqueduct is so leaky in one stretch through rural Wawarsing that New York City is buying dozens of homes above it that were plagued with flooded basements and squishy lawns. The leaks are far worse where the tunnel travels under the Hudson by Newburgh, but homes are not affected. Between 15 million and 35 million gallons of water seep through cracks each day, enough to quench a small city. The bypass will permanently replace the leakiest portion of the tunnel. The other cracked stretch will be repaired. Before workers begin digging the bypass tunnel next year, they first need to complete the entry shafts on opposite sides of the Hudson River at Newburgh and Wappinger.
Resources: The Washington Times