Everything is connected to Everything else
Do you ever wonder how humans get enough Oxygen to survive? Or where all that Carbon Dioxide goes after you breath it out? Well, I have an answer for you.
Everything is connected to everything else. Just like We breath in the Oxygen that plants produce and the plants take in the Carbon Dioxide that We produce from that Oxygen. That goes for animals as well. We provide food for animals and they provide food for us. Even if that is milk and eggs or beef and pork.
Just to put this in prospective, if all the plants on earth died all of a sudden, we might be okay for just a few more minutes but once all the oxygen on earth was breathed in and there was only carbon dioxide, we could only survive 3 minutes.
So to make sure that everything on earth can survive, there has to be a balance. If there are too many people on earth, there will not be enough plants providing Oxygen for us to breath in. If there are too many plants and not enough people or animals, the plants will not have the amount of carbon dioxide they need to survive. Those are just a few ways everything is connected.
Here is a little extra math problem if you’d like. If 2 trees provide enough oxygen for one person, than how many trees would it take to give the 7.5 billion people on earth oxygen?