Disclaimer: This poem is not about my actual father!
By Stella Story
He came home. Said nothing
He dropped his briefcase on the floor,
For my mother to clean up
He took of his jacket and threw it on the sofa,
For my brother to hang up
He sat down next to his coat
Kicked off his shoes.
In two different directions
For me to pick up
He got up and left
Locked himself in his office
In the office he hid in when
He felt threatened.
Usually by his boss
We were never allowed in the office
He loved it more than he loved us.
He didn’t come out for dinner
My mother had to bring it to him
He didn’t come out for dessert
My brother had to bring it to him
He didn’t take the dog out when the dog needed to go
I had to clean it up
He didn’t come with us
As we walked down the street
Into the purple and pink light of the sunset
He promised me we would play baseball
As soon as he got home
From from work
The same work he was always complaining about
So I played by myself
Instead of with him
Like I always did
Because even though father wasn’t at work anymore
He was never really home