The Making of a Knight
I am hungry. I am tired. As I sit on the cold floor of the church the single candle I am holding reflects off my armour and makes a golden beam bounce off the dark and musty wall. I am all alone. I have been praying for five hours, and I haven’t eaten for 17. I am cold, but I am determined. I want to become a knight. I need to become a knight. My life depends on becoming a knight. My father was a knight who died in battle, and ever since, I have been determined to risk my life to carry out my father’s legacy. I have been waiting for that moment when the king, lord of all, takes his sword and taps me on both shoulders since my mother told me about my father’s ceremony. I have to pray for seven more hours before this is over. I dread having to make a speech in front of the king. It has been at the back of my mind ever since I was a squire and now it’s happening as soon as this night finishes. Along with all my prayers about keeping me safe and being a loyal knight I also pray that my speech goes well. If I were to talk to the king I would say “I will try my very best to save all civilians and bring justice to the world.” But is that good enough? I will try to make my speech in the morning when I not hungry anymore.
Another hour passes. My stomach grumbles like a beast waiting for it’s next meal. I keep praying the same thing over and over again;
Please God help me through this tiring journey. Help me save people that need to be saved, and punish people who need to be punished. I hope these prayers reach you in time. Thank you dear God, Amen.
But I know I will have to put my own work into it as well. Nothing just happens like that, one has to shapes one’s own future. Another hour passes and my stomach is killing me. My eyelids are drooping and it feels like some invisible being is pulling them down over my eyes. Every second feels like a minute, every minute feels like and hour and every hour feels like a whole day. I know it will be over soon enough, because I am ready to become a knight.