News Article About Bridget Moore
Stella Story
Today I spoke with Mrs. Bridget Meehan Moore, 23 years of age who came to America because her family couldn’t even afford for her to get married. She lives in an tenement building on 65 Mott Street with her three daughters, and her husband Joseph Moore. As I was speaking to her she was getting ready for a party. She seemed a little frazzled. When I first walked in to her apartment, I saw the kitchen, it looked relatively clean. She had a nice looking stove in it and a lot; of different kinds of food to get ready for the party, such as bread, stew and other sweets. As I walked into her parlor I saw that it was very clean except for one part, which she later explained was part of her deep cleaning. She invited me in and told me to take a seat so I could interview her.
“What is your Job?”
“Well, I I don’t really have a job, I just work at home and do the cooking and cleaning, Although I did have a job for domestic help where I took care of a very nice house.”
“Where did you live before you moved to Little Germany?”
“I lived in the Five points, an Irish community.”
“What is it like living in Little Germany?”
“It’s hard because I don’t speak the language and there is only one other Irish family living in this tenement so I can talk to that family but it is also sad because when I do see the other families, and they are talking and laughing I really want to know what they are saying.”
“What are your daughters names?”
“Mary Kate, Jenny, and Agnes.”
“What do your daughters do all day when they are not at school?”
“They sometimes help me with the cooking and cleaning, but that is very rare, they mostly play with their dolls and toys or play nine pegs.”
“One last question. Has anybody else from your family come to America besides you?”
“No, only me, because my family is still struggling to make enough money to do anything besides have food so a ticket to America might be just beyond their reach.
As I get up to leave, She grabs my arm and says “Please don’t anything bad about me in the paper because people think that the Irish are aggressive and messy so please don’t put any of that in the paper, and, also please refer to me as Bridget Meehan Moore so if my friends in Ireland read the paper they will know it’s me.” I assured her I would. Over all I think that Bridget was very nice and she had a lot going on it looked like but I thinks she handles it well. She has a nice bedroom with one big bed and a cradle. I think she has a nice house, and a nice family that supports her, so I think she is nice and helpful.
We went to the tenement Museum and saw Bridget Moore’s house in her tenement and learned a lot about her and then we were supposed to make a news article about her and I did this part!