May 25

I wonder…


What would happen if every human in the world suddenly vanished? When they were driving to work or eating breakfast their food falls on top of their plate with no one to eat. If they never came back what would happen. The cars would start to crash, the planes would start to fall, the Electricity would fail and unstoppable chaos would break lose. I think most species would die but some would grow, with no humans around they are free to come into the cities and farms and eat the plants and animal and the domestic animals would either have to escape from the house to save themselves from starvation or get stuck inside and die. That is why we should never disappear or else the planet will be doomed for ever.

May 18

Verbs In French

WIN_20160518_17_59_47_Pro WIN_20160518_18_00_14_Pro

In this assignment we were supposed to make sentences with infinitive verbs in french. We  Had a picture and the verb and we were supposed to conjugate them to make a sentence and add a little extra detail like this, Il a mangé la nourriture, He ate food is the translation. The patterns that I have learned from this is that all the endings of the regular and conjugated verbs all something that has the letter “E” in it like, ez, es and ent. this works for all of them except for Nous which ends in “ONS”.  Like I listed before, these are the endings of the conjugated verbs: Je=E, Tu=Es Il/Elle=Es, Nous=Ons, Vous=Ez and Ils/Elles=Ent. My favorite part of this project was making up crazy sentences based on pictures.

April 25

Exit Polling

Hillary-Clinton-NOW th

When I went Exit Polling, I learned that some people are Very private. Some people are happy to share who they voted for; and some people are really angry when you don’t have climate change on your list. When I was exit polling some other people were with me. For instance Juno. We stuck together most of the time, and when we were not polling we stood next to each other because we are both rather shy. I did not only poll, I also was a data collector. I took the polls and wrote them down on a sheet and sent the sheet to the data processors every 15 minutes. In all the Exit Polling was super fun and I enjoyed in a lot. And we were right When we guessed Hillary would win. The pics above are the candidates who won.

Category: Math | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 24

You are everything

Everything is connected.

To everything else.

This will relate to a spaceship rule in a space ship manual that belongs on a space ship that will be flown into space. This rule is everything is connected (to everything else).  Think of your self next to a garden, or a lake; you are standing next to a small plant. You help that plant live, you feed it, and it feeds you. A plant feeds of water and sun light, and we all know that; but it also feeds off of the carbon dioxide the we produce when we ex-hail. And we happen to live off of the oxygen that the plant releases when the plant recivses the carbon dioxide. So you live off of each other; that little plant is your brother or sister. So next time you see a little plant don’t crush it. It’s family.

April 7

Math adding and subtracting fractions

This is a picture of me adding fractions. I think that adding and subtracting fractions is an area of strength for me. I think that because I am quick at it and almost always get it right when I add them which is a very rare thing to say i’m actually good at math. But I really like adding and subtracting fractions I like the strategy i use too Maeve taught me it is called the bow tie trick.


April 7

French Restaurant Skit

Bonjour and welcome to my blog and I did a skit with my friends on french food and food vocab that is also in french. It was really fun and funny because it turns out my dear friend Lucia is not a very good waiter, because she continues to drop the food. It was also funny because this was the first time we had ever done this skit, because we never practiced! I have a french family so this was really fun and I all ready knew some of the words so it was a little easier and I also learned that even if you mess up on the acting part of the skit there is still all the hard work in props and writhing it too that also counts. and most importantly it counts that you understand the vocab that is I think why project was assigned in the first place.

here are some pictures

IMG_2422   IMG_2425

April 6


Sophia Ushabti

This is a ushabti that I made.(shawbity is how you pronounce it)

I made him in art. Ancient egyptians used ushabtis in the afterlife to do work for them king tutt had one for every day of the year. when I made this ushabti it was not that difficult. I just use some pictures like this one here. This one is more professional but they look similar enough. Making the ushabti was really fun and really easy, he only took me one class to make if you don’t count glazing it. ushabtis were like little pharaohs with whips and like I said before pharaohs the had them in their tombs in the afterlife isn’t that cool. 10660572_1

Category: Art | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 6

Canopic Jars

Sophia Clay 2

Hi guys its Sophia! And today I will be telling you about what I do in art. Recently we had an Egyptian tomb were we made ancient Egyptian artifacts. Up here is a picture of me making a canopic jar. Canopic Jars were jars used for mummification. They used them to put your organs in them. Making my Canopic jar was hard for me because I had to make mine twice. I had to make it twice because my first one was more like a really delicate bowl that fell apart very easily. On my second try I made a coil pot. That is when you twist a piece of clay so it is long and thin and you coil a bunch of them together. When my second canopic jar worked we put it in the kelm and glazed this is what it looked like in the end.

canopic jar


March 8

Shark Tank

In Science we had a simulation about animals in the sea, We have three characters as you can see. The shark had to eat 2 minnows to survive, the minnow had to eat 1 seaweed to survive and the seaweed had to not get eaten to survive. The Shark had to eat 4 minnows to have a baby and the minnow only had to eat 2 seaweeds so If you look at the numbers the minnows are most likely to reproduce faster and to survive for longer thank you for reading my post and you can look below at what happens once we redid the rounds.