May 25

I wonder…


What would happen if every human in the world suddenly vanished? When they were driving to work or eating breakfast their food falls on top of their plate with no one to eat. If they never came back what would happen. The cars would start to crash, the planes would start to fall, the Electricity would fail and unstoppable chaos would break lose. I think most species would die but some would grow, with no humans around they are free to come into the cities and farms and eat the plants and animal and the domestic animals would either have to escape from the house to save themselves from starvation or get stuck inside and die. That is why we should never disappear or else the planet will be doomed for ever.

April 24

You are everything

Everything is connected.

To everything else.

This will relate to a spaceship rule in a space ship manual that belongs on a space ship that will be flown into space. This rule is everything is connected (to everything else).  Think of your self next to a garden, or a lake; you are standing next to a small plant. You help that plant live, you feed it, and it feeds you. A plant feeds of water and sun light, and we all know that; but it also feeds off of the carbon dioxide the we produce when we ex-hail. And we happen to live off of the oxygen that the plant releases when the plant recivses the carbon dioxide. So you live off of each other; that little plant is your brother or sister. So next time you see a little plant don’t crush it. It’s family.

March 8

Shark Tank

In Science we had a simulation about animals in the sea, We have three characters as you can see. The shark had to eat 2 minnows to survive, the minnow had to eat 1 seaweed to survive and the seaweed had to not get eaten to survive. The Shark had to eat 4 minnows to have a baby and the minnow only had to eat 2 seaweeds so If you look at the numbers the minnows are most likely to reproduce faster and to survive for longer thank you for reading my post and you can look below at what happens once we redid the rounds.

November 4

5th Grade Big Bang

Hi world, I made  a video in science! The video is representing the Big Bang! Why don’t you take a look.

an accuracy about this video is that we have a lot of detail and hard work into it and we made the big bang look pretty realistic and something that we got a little of is that the big bang was much faster than it was in out video and and it was much bigger and smaller at the same time.