Archive of ‘Humanities’ category

My Crest By Sierra

img_2982On my crest I have 4 things describing something about me and my family. The first thing on my crest is a crown, this represents the strength and leadership. The second thing on my crest is a flower representing  grace and life. The third thing on my crest is a star showing how we are all connected. And the last thing on my crest is a unicorn that represents bravery and beauty. The color yellow represents happiness and blue represents the sky and how we are all connected. Lastly The swans that are holding up my crest show light kindness and hope.

Becoming a Knight By Sierra

My mother came from a wealthy family as did my Father. My father loved my mother so much he married her. He gave up on being a knight to raise three kids and  failed to live up to the expectations of his father by becoming a knight. His father forbid him coming back into his house so they were forced to move away. He could not find work and he was barely able to find money to feed us. But even though my family was no longer welty I could still use my grandfather’s title to become a knight. I was not going to give up on a dream I have have ever since I was three. I was determined to finish what my dad started. I am going to become a knight.  

I am being escorted to the church thinking about hiding my secret, today was the day I would confess my sins. I knew if I blew this opportunity I would be working in a garden for the rest of my short life. The requirements were you must be fourteen, a boy and wealthy.  I knew I was all of those things but one, wealthy. “I can do it,” I told myself . Then the church came into view.

I was taken directly to a large room in the church. The man you escorted me to the room told me to wait. So to pass the time I looked at the beautiful paintings on the wall. Then the priest came in. I was so nervous I started to shake. He told me to sit down, so I did. He stood in front of me and told me to tell him if I needed to confess any sins. I told him I have not. On the inside I knew this was incorrect. I felt as if the words “ I’m not wealthy!” were written right on my forehead. He asked me if I had ever taken something that was not mine. I wanted to say yes I took my older brother’s potato because I was so hungry! But instead I said “Yes, when I was younger I  hid my siblings meat because I was greedy.” He asked me if there was anything else I wanted to confess, but there was this silence that made me want to talk I felt like this was a safe place to say… “No” I said. I felt a weight sitting on my chest. It was over, I was done I had completed confessing my sins. I was one step closer to becoming a knight.    

Hero essay By Sierra

Many people admire heroes, people who go out of their way for others. These are people who work hard, demonstrate bravery, but most of all they have perseverance. These people do not run away when it gets hard. They stick by even in challenging situations but most importantly when lives are at stake.

They are people like Pen Farthing and Martin Luther King who never gave up however Odysseus’s name would not be said in this list. The reason I say this is in the book you will find him run scared from things like the cyclopes and Poseidon. I would not call that being a hero…

During Odysseus’s life time I would argue him not being remembered as a hero. Though he sometimes performs heroic acts I still would argue the other side. I say this because overall Odysseus has made some very terrible mistakes, one of which was the lord of the winds incident. While Odysseus was guarding the bag of winds for nine days he fell asleep leaving his curious men with the bag of winds. “Then Odysseus fell asleep with the familiar shape of home. And while he slept… What is this treasure from king Aeolus that our captain keeps so closely hidden, and that must not be taken out till our own landing beach?… It is only right to share it, for we have travelled as far and suffered as much as he has!.. They hauled the bulging bag out from under the rowing benches, and untied it silver cords. With a shiver shine and a whistle they were back to the island.”

Pen farthing served three years in the military and while he was there he had a dog, his name was Nowzad he felt really connected with so that gave him an idea. The idea was to reunite the people in the military with their dogs. That helped many of them adjust back to normal life. He also made sure the dogs had been treated right with proper care.

My heroes are my parents because they are always there for me and they are always helping and looking out for me. I love my parents so much for all they do, for example they always put me first. Like when I am totally stressed about a test coming up because I did not practice enough my mom will not let me go anywhere until I know them by heart. And my dad Is always helping me to try and make my life better and easier like when my bike was not working he spent  almost half an hour trying to repair it for me. And that is why my parents are my heroes.

Imagine a world without heroes. Where everyone just focused on themselves, no one would make a difference. Heroes are the special people who care. Like Martin Luther King if he did not do anything about segregation we would all still be separated. And Pen Farthing it would have been so hard for everyone in the military to go on without someone to help them adjust. Especially my parents, I don’t know what I would do without them. But while Odysseas has not shown anywhere close to many heroic actions as they have. They are all so smart and inspiring but you may still ask the questions why? What did they do? The answer is they changed the world making it a better safer place.



sierraMy experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was really cool because I thought I remembered my information pretty good and could answer a lot of questions.  I felt really cool because it felt really satisfying when everyone was asking me questions. I also thought after all the note taking it was worth it. . One thing I learned about note-taking is it is really challenging to put everything into different words. When it comes to taking notes, I used to think it did not matter if you did not put it into my own words  , but now I know you should not take credit from other people.



IMG_6812Photo 2016-02-25 01.09.52 PMMy partner and I read Tuck Everlasting. Our partnership was awesome because we work really well together and so we both collaborated very well together. I’m proud that I did all of the assignments well and worked really hard. One challenge for me was making sure me and Juno both knew how much and what we were reading.

Waiting By Sierra

Today was the day I’ve been waiting for all year! Thanksgiving my favorite holiday(other than Christmas of course)! The reason I love this holiday so much is because food is like the best thing ever! And my mom and I are really awesome cooks. Especially on Thanksgiving my mom goes up a weak early just to cook. It’s crazy she goes absolutely mad! Well more me because it’s sooo much food! Yum! And did I mention there are like 35 wait no 36 people that come that we even have to get 2 turkeys! It’s once again crazy. Anyway so this is the story of Thanksgiving day. . .  

Half an hour till the people would come. What to do? I searched the house trying to find something. I could not help in the kitchen. There was nothing to do but watch the two turkeys being shoveled in and out of the oven. My parents had barely gotten dressed yet. My mom was wearing a apron over her sweatpants and shirt that she had gotten grease on and my dad was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt that had also gotten grease on. I knew I could not help there so I went off to find my little sister.

Hudson was laying on her bed in a fancy dress playing on her iPod but at the same time watching TV. She had no idea even what time it was! After this I was somewhat disappointed no one needed me but joyful when I realized what time it was 4:45! The guests would arrive at 5:00! By this I felt a chill of happiness run up my spine. 15 more minutes I thought. So I just layed there but got really bored so I looked back at the clock 4:46! It had been one minute when it felt like 15. So I decided I would look at my room, it was spotless nothing to do there. So I went back downstairs and my mom and dad were finally dressed and cutting up the two turkeys. Then I heard it the sound of joy “DING DONG” Yeah!!! so very quickly I took a look at my dress to make sure it still looked good then I ran to the door. I opened it and thought 1 group down 19 to go.

 The End!

This story was about Thanksgiving and how hard the wait is for it to start. I chose this piece because I really like the story and how funny it was. I also chose it because I worked really hard on it and I am really happy with it. But as it took a seriously long time to get the right words and to make it sound really nice now I am extremely happy with it.  The learning habit this demonstrates was perseverance because I kept trying to find more things to write about. And something that was a challenge for me was to keep writing without worrying about my spelling but I think in the end it turned out great!