Archive of ‘d.lab’ category

Cyber Security and Apple By Sierra

I think that both of these sides have a point, but I also think apples side is stronger. I think this because privacy is important and if the FBI can get into most peoples mane privacy source there will be none. I also think even if the FBI just wants to use it for this one phone they can still invade other peoples privesy. And what if someone bad gets a hold of it. So I agree with apple.

Human Computer by Sierra

In d-lab class we did this really fun project called The Human Computer. This project was where we all were picked to be different parts of the computer and we had to do things like turn brightness up. I played the roles of the fan (which if you did not know it keeps the computer from over heating) the user (which you probably know is the person who gives the orders on the computer) and lat I played the BIOS ( which if you don’t know makes sure all the really important stuff gets in and the less important stuff gets through last). In this project I found that it’s extremely hard being a computer!

Font by Sierra

FontWhen I was making this font is was really difficult to get the idea I really liked right. Something that was hard to do was figure out how all the rules could could e used for every letter. And the name of the font is called BLOCK! I choose this because my font is kind of like blocks. Hope you enjoyed it! BYE!