Becoming a Knight By Sierra

My mother came from a wealthy family as did my Father. My father loved my mother so much he married her. He gave up on being a knight to raise three kids and  failed to live up to the expectations of his father by becoming a knight. His father forbid him coming back into his house so they were forced to move away. He could not find work and he was barely able to find money to feed us. But even though my family was no longer welty I could still use my grandfather’s title to become a knight. I was not going to give up on a dream I have have ever since I was three. I was determined to finish what my dad started. I am going to become a knight.  

I am being escorted to the church thinking about hiding my secret, today was the day I would confess my sins. I knew if I blew this opportunity I would be working in a garden for the rest of my short life. The requirements were you must be fourteen, a boy and wealthy.  I knew I was all of those things but one, wealthy. “I can do it,” I told myself . Then the church came into view.

I was taken directly to a large room in the church. The man you escorted me to the room told me to wait. So to pass the time I looked at the beautiful paintings on the wall. Then the priest came in. I was so nervous I started to shake. He told me to sit down, so I did. He stood in front of me and told me to tell him if I needed to confess any sins. I told him I have not. On the inside I knew this was incorrect. I felt as if the words “ I’m not wealthy!” were written right on my forehead. He asked me if I had ever taken something that was not mine. I wanted to say yes I took my older brother’s potato because I was so hungry! But instead I said “Yes, when I was younger I  hid my siblings meat because I was greedy.” He asked me if there was anything else I wanted to confess, but there was this silence that made me want to talk I felt like this was a safe place to say… “No” I said. I felt a weight sitting on my chest. It was over, I was done I had completed confessing my sins. I was one step closer to becoming a knight.    

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