April 2015 archive


Hello, my name is Sierra. One day I decided to go and clean out the attic. When I got up there I realized no one has ever cleaned this place. There was stuff from such a long time ago like pictures, letters, paintings, and more! I felt like I had time traveled into the past. I think it is important to study who came before us because they had a lot of trouble figuring things out like technology. I started to read some of this stuff when I decided I should write about this it. That is why I decided to have a blog, to teach others.

Tenement inspectors

One day I was walking home from work (because they did not reinforce the law about 16 and younger people going to work.) When I got home I saw Dora Goldfein and Wolf Goldstein fighting. So I went inside and saw a ton of inspectors. Just as they were speaking the inspectors were writing stuff down. Then half of the inspectors went with Wolf and half went with Dora. So I decided to follow Dora. She explained that Wolf had no paid his rent for 3 months! Right at that moment I just screamed out “3 months!” Then Dora said, “Yes, 3 months and that’s when I told him you have to pay the rent!” Then he said, “Instead of that I will just paint you some pictures.” “So he did, he made a beautiful picture but then he started to get lazy and made a black picture and he said, ‘It is a night version’. And his son goes around the place breaking things!” And then all of the inspectors went with Wolf and the others went with Dora. I decided I would go with Wolf. When we got inside I could see his apartment was a mess and there was even some urine and feces in the chamber pot. Just then I saw something move then I screamed, “Ahhhh!” I think I screamed so loud the neighbors could hear me. Wolf bent down and picked it up, it was a filthy rodent! Then he said, “See, this is what I have to deal with! Rats and rodents!” Then I saw the inspectors were starting to leave so I went up to my apartment and hoped the inspectors would not come to my apartment.

~ Zirie



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