For my map project I blended the map with water and pressed it to make it into paper. I wanted to do this because it represents new beginnings. New beginnings are something that is related to me because I came to LREI this year, and made new friends. After I made the paper, I colored it with oil pastels as a rainbow pattern to show that I am an ally, and that I am a very happy person. Then I cut my paper into the shape of Manhattan, to represent my home. Lastly, I pasted it onto a subway map.
Category Archives: Demster
Art Sketchbook Post #1 (Crust Bridge)
A long time ago, in a land far far away… there lived a troll. Now this troll was, as every troll is, a bridgekeeper. He lived under his bridge in harmony with the creatures of the pond. Every once in a while, humans would drop breadcrumbs for the ducks in the pond. As everyone knows ducks HATE bread crusts, so the ducks always give the lowly troll their bread crusts. The normal troll diet consists of lamb, escargot, and cress but, this was a rare vegetarian troll. So, this troll lives off of bread crusts and the occasional cress salad.
Artist statement
Reflecting on your artwork and sharing your thoughts about the art making process is an
important part of art. Please thoughtfully complete the statements below based on the work
of art you just finished.
I would like to name this work of art: Layers of Human
I created this work of art by First using pencil to draw the outlines and details, and then coloring with; Chalk pastels, oil pastels, and colored pencils.
Some of things I learned while creating it were: I learned to trust my instincts and not doubt myself when I am drawing. I also learned to work slowly and carefully and to not breeze through something just because you want to get it over with.
My favorite part is
How it goes through the different aspects of who I am, from the way I look on the outside, to the more wild side, all the way to the more dark parts of me.
If I could change something about it, it would be (include why)
I would change the way I rushed through it initially. I would do this because even though I later went back and put in more details, you can still see some scribbles.
While making it I was surprised that
I was surprised by the fact that taking more time to do something and putting more effort into it makes it noticeably look better.
Something else I want to share about this artwork is
I pushed my own boundaries in order to make this.