2017- 18 Learning Values

This year I have decided to focus on classroom citizenship. I chose this because it is something I highly value. If someone is being mean, I will stand up to them. I feel that being comfortable in the classroom and with my peers is one of the most important things in school. I would like to be a great classroom citizen so that I can reflect this to my peers.

Map project

For my map project I blended the map with water and pressed it to make it into paper. I wanted to do this because it represents new beginnings. New beginnings are something that is related to me because I came to LREI this year, and made new friends. After I made the paper, I colored it with oil pastels as a rainbow pattern to show that I am an ally, and that I am a very happy person. Then I cut my paper into the shape of Manhattan, to represent my home. Lastly, I pasted it onto a subway map.


My Cell


Come into my cell. Make yourself at home.

It’s not much,

It’s got a bed,

A toilet too,

and that’s the tour,

That’s where I’ll be,

20 to life,

Not that hard to find me.



So come into my cell,

Make yourself at home.

I’m sorry,

If I knew you were coming,

I would have tidied up.


Come into my cell,

With all it’s blues and grays,

Tally marks on the wall,

From people who couldn’t stay.


I know that it’s a mess,

It’s got some grime and dirt,

But of course this is a prison cell,

Not the taj mahal.


A Dress


All this happened, more or less.

I admit,

MY life’s a mess,

All This happened more or less,

All because I bought a dress.

It was blue with purple stripes,

When I put it on I yelled ‘Yipes’

The hem was warping,

The sleeves were askew,

WHy did this happen,

Why, I ask you!


What’s Out There


He came home. Said nothing.


He turned the TV on.


I make dinner for him.


His favorite.

Like always.

He watches.

I cook.

I look out,

Through the window,


what’s out there.

He grunts,

I put his coat away.


Dinners ready.

I set the table,

I serve him,

We eat,


He stands up.

Walks away,

I clean,

He watches TV.


Next morning,

I wake up,

Iron his clothes.

Look through the window,


what’s out there.


He wakes up.

I make his breakfast,

And his lunch,

I cook.

He watches TV.

I look through the window,


What’s out there.


He leaves, I clean.

I look through the window,


Whats out there.

Medieval Guilds

I was in the Monks, Nuns and Imams guild for the Medieval pageant. The Medieval guilds were full of surprises. I found myself ad-libbing most of my monologue. I changed my monologue a lot over the course of the pageant. I made a mistake, then I rolled with it and repeated it. I also made some silly mistakes like this one; “We drink meat and eat wine” I had trouble explaining that, but at least the audience thought it was funny. I was a little bit sad that I didn’t get to see all of the guilds but, I really enjoyed acting out my monologue. Overall, the guilds were a great experience and I will never forget it!

Respiratory system (With Sophia)

Post an artistic overview image of your system to your blog. In the description, answer the following:

What does your system do for the body as a whole? What is the role or function of your system?
What are one or two fun discoveries you have made about your system in your research to date?
What is a deep, interesting question that you would like to further investigate about your system?

Music composition

Here is my composition that I played with Charlie, Luca, Stella, Rafaella, Matias, and Tatsuya


http://<iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/212237324″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href=”https://vimeo.com/212237324″>Group6</a> from <a href=”https://vimeo.com/lrei”>LREI</a> on <a href=”https://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Family description work (Petite Cahier)

I really like the work we did in our workbooks about describing a family. I thought that it was really fun to create characters and their personalities. While doing this work I realized that I was really getting the hang of conjugating verbs. This work really helped me remember the family words. I think that this work was really helpful and fun.

Art Sketchbook Post #1 (Crust Bridge)

This is my weekly drawing for the “Crust Bridge” assignment. It is my favorite sketchbook drawing because it actually has a story behind it. I will tell it to you now…

A long time ago, in a land far far away… there lived a troll. Now this troll was, as every troll is, a bridgekeeper. He lived under his bridge in harmony with the creatures of the pond. Every once in a while, humans would drop breadcrumbs for the ducks in the pond. As everyone knows ducks HATE bread crusts, so the ducks always give the lowly troll their bread crusts. The normal troll diet consists of lamb, escargot, and cress but, this was a rare vegetarian troll. So, this troll lives off of bread crusts and the occasional cress salad.

Spark Link

Here is the link to my adobe spark page (It is a work in progress):

My topic is le Jardin du Luxembourg. Some of the goals I completed were reaserching my project in French, making a visual of the topic and writing about my topic. I learned the the subway system in Paris has colors and numbers, just like in NYC. While doing this project I learned that Marie de Medici introduced the fork to the French community. My favorite part of this project was making my collage of le Jardin du Luxembourg.