
My Cell


Come into my cell. Make yourself at home.

It’s not much,

It’s got a bed,

A toilet too,

and that’s the tour,

That’s where I’ll be,

20 to life,

Not that hard to find me.



So come into my cell,

Make yourself at home.

I’m sorry,

If I knew you were coming,

I would have tidied up.


Come into my cell,

With all it’s blues and grays,

Tally marks on the wall,

From people who couldn’t stay.


I know that it’s a mess,

It’s got some grime and dirt,

But of course this is a prison cell,

Not the taj mahal.


A Dress


All this happened, more or less.

I admit,

MY life’s a mess,

All This happened more or less,

All because I bought a dress.

It was blue with purple stripes,

When I put it on I yelled ‘Yipes’

The hem was warping,

The sleeves were askew,

WHy did this happen,

Why, I ask you!


What’s Out There


He came home. Said nothing.


He turned the TV on.


I make dinner for him.


His favorite.

Like always.

He watches.

I cook.

I look out,

Through the window,


what’s out there.

He grunts,

I put his coat away.


Dinners ready.

I set the table,

I serve him,

We eat,


He stands up.

Walks away,

I clean,

He watches TV.


Next morning,

I wake up,

Iron his clothes.

Look through the window,


what’s out there.


He wakes up.

I make his breakfast,

And his lunch,

I cook.

He watches TV.

I look through the window,


What’s out there.


He leaves, I clean.

I look through the window,


Whats out there.

Medieval Guilds

I was in the Monks, Nuns and Imams guild for the Medieval pageant. The Medieval guilds were full of surprises. I found myself ad-libbing most of my monologue. I changed my monologue a lot over the course of the pageant. I made a mistake, then I rolled with it and repeated it. I also made some silly mistakes like this one; “We drink meat and eat wine” I had trouble explaining that, but at least the audience thought it was funny. I was a little bit sad that I didn’t get to see all of the guilds but, I really enjoyed acting out my monologue. Overall, the guilds were a great experience and I will never forget it!

Making of a Knight Monologue

I’m sitting in this dark church with nothing to eat and praying, sitting here and praying for twelve hours. I spent my life as a man for this? I could’ve been a girl and not hidden my identity.  At least it was better than getting married this year. My only duty would be to have a baby. So for now I’ll sit here and pray.

            What if someone finds out my secret. If they did there’s no telling what they would do. They could imprison me or burn me at the stake. I don’t think mother and father could go on without me. Father has been talking nonsense lately and he is getting very old.  I want to be there for him if he’s sick. The way I said goodbye to mother and father keeps running through my mind. Just a quick farewell, I didn’t even look back.  That might be the last time I will ever see them.

    There is nothing between me and becoming a knight accept the priest blessing my sword and the king performing the ceremony. I’m almost free to be a knight and one will judge me after that. If I have to be a man to be free from the image of society, I will be.

Coat of Arms

img_0543My coat of arms is very specific to me. The shield has stars on it because I want to be a star on Broadway when I grow up. The stars are green because green symbolizes hope and I hope to be a Broadway star someday. The background of the shield is blue because I am a very truthful person. The supporters are foxes because I would rather defend myself than fight and I believe in brains over brawn. The crest is a stag because I will only fight when provoked and I am a peaceful person. The mantle is made of oak leaves because people in my family live for a long time. The mantle is silver and gold because I try to be as generous as possible and I am a very sincere person. The motto is “Si non rede sentire non est bonum” which in english means “If it doesn’t feel right it isn’t right”. This is my motto because I am a person who trusts my instincts.