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Hi all! Since my dear Hamir died, I did not want to put all this knoweledge to waste. So, I am so glad to be sharing part two of my most popular blog post: Wedding planning 101! I am so glad my expert knowledge helped some of you! \ Hopefully this will be helpful too! Soak it up people! This stuff is genius!
Step #2 Get your dowry ready to go
If you don’t have a dowry when you’re about to get married, chances are he’s gonna call it off. So, my advice to you is, have your dowry ready to go right when you get in engaged. Word to the wise, if there is livestock in your dowry, keep it safe! I had a camel in my dowry who got a snake bite and died because she wasn’t being watched- “I understand that this baby and his mother were to be a part of Phulan’s dowry.” Pg. 18.
That’s all for now folks! Like and comment on this post for a part 3!