Perspective Drawing


Perspective drawing has been difficult, but very fun. The hardest part so far it to make different shapes, and figure out if they have to go to the vanishing point, or not. I think that my street drawing is doing well. I have worked very hard on making it the best I can. I am happy with the drawing, because so far everything is in perspective. The hardest part about going from our shape drawings to our street drawings is applying the shape rules to actual buildings, and not just random shapes.


Are Humans Following the Rules?


The Battery Of The Future May Be Made Of Paper!


By Sarah Benton Feitlinger on February 26, 2016


Linköping University in Sweden has been working on a paper battery. They started by blasting cellulose with water until strand measures a mere 20 strand measures a mere 20 nano meters in diameter. The paper battery can be recharged hundreds of times, it is waterproof, it can hold up to 1 Faraday, it is environment friendly, and it takes only a few seconds to charge. This article is connected to the rule There is no such place as away. It is connected to this because instead of using a non-rechargeable battery that has toxic chemicals, or heavy metals to manufacture, you use 1 battery for a long time that is even made of paper and cardboard. When the batteries that we have now, get thrown out, the toxic chemicals pollute the Earth. This is an example of humans not following the rules, but then people are trying to follow the rules, and fix it by helping the environment. In the future, there should be none of the batteries that we have now, and only use the Paper Battery. It would be a better world, and we would still have batteries.    


Should “Away” Be a Word?



Fresh Kills Landfill took up around 2,200 acres!


Have you ever thought about what happens when you throw your trash ‘away?’ Think… Where is away? The answer is NOWHERE. Your trash is put in the garbage can, it goes into the garbage truck. Then what? It actually goes all the way to Pennsylvania or Virginia. It goes to landfills. Fresh Kills landfill closed in 2001. Now there are no landfills in New York. Even if it is processed and decomposed it doesn’t go away. The Big Bang created all the atoms in the universe. Even if an atom turns into something else, it is still there. If I compost a banana peel, it will decompose. Then it does not just ‘poof’ out of thin air. No, it turns into soil! Even though it is in a different form, it is still there. So, about the title, no, ‘away’ should not be a word. If you think of it as ‘putting something away’ where is away? Just think about it.



Exit Polling

On Tuesday we went and did a little exit poll. Some of us went to the street at some voting places. We asked as many people as we could some questions. The questions were: Who did you vote for? How old are you? What is your gender? What was the most important issue for you when choosing a presidential candidate? Are you a Republican or Democrat? How happy are you with the choices for the candidates in you party? 1 being very unhappy and 5 being very happy. Some of us stayed at school and did a school survey. One person in each group exit polling was the data collector. They put all of the data in their group onto one sheet. That would be sent to the data processors. They took all the information and put it into graphs and percentages.


I learned that primaries are actually very important in the voting process. I used to think that the primaries were not very important. After the exit polling I was very surprised that there were only 21 republican voters that we polled. I thought there would be more democrats but I still thought there would be more than 21 republicans. I was also surprised that Kasich won in this neighborhood. The data collectors got percentages for Sanders and Clinton. The came out with Clinton being 67% and Sanders 33%. On Wednesday we looked at the actual percentages from the neighborhood. Clinton was 67% and Sanders was 33%! We got it exact! (Great job data processors!) I did not think that would be the outcome.


I was in the school survey group. We interviewed all the teachers who were available. I was very surprised that only one person in all the people we interviewed was republican. We did not get the results from the school, but Lars, Farin, and me all agree the winner in our school was probably Bernie Sanders. It was a really fun day, and I really liked how accurate our results came out.

My Canopic Jar

Noelle Canopic Jar


This is my Canopic Jar. I am proud of it. I really liked how I made the hieroglyphics on the front of the jar. I wish I could have made the bottom part (the jar part) smoother. First we learned how to make a pinch pot, and we made the bottom. Then we chose which top we wanted. There is the human, jackal, baboon, and the falcon. I chose the jackal. Then we made the top, and glazed it. I used a top coat. I am happy with this piece.

Math Strength

One area of strength for me this quarter in math, has been finding the area and perimeter of rectangles. I have always liked geometry, so I thought I would really like this unit. I did! I was proud because I asked questions when I needed to, and I understood it. I practiced, and it helped. Here is a piece of work that I am proud of and that shows proof of my strength.


Shark Tank Simulation

We had three starting populations. Sharks, Minnows, and Seaweed. To survive, the sharks had to eat 2 minnows. Minnows had to eat 1 seaweed to survive. It starts with 1 shark, 4 minnows, and 14 seaweeds. Our goal was to get each species to either multiply or stay the same. Our strategy was for the minnows ate 2 seaweed, and the sharks eat 2 minnows. That way, seaweed went up, minnows stayed the same, and sharks stayed the same. Once we had enough seaweed, each minnow ate 3 seaweeds so they reproduced, and the shark still ate 2 minnows. Since then we had 6 minnows, the shark at 4 minnows, and that added one more shark. At the end our results were:




If we kept going on, I think each population would go up, and the seaweed would be the highest.

My Composition

This is my piece so far. It has been fun composing it. I liked making it because I have always listened to all these pieces of music, but now I could make my own with chords. Last time we did not use chords, but this time we did, so it was very fun. I started out by making a series of chords. Then I made a main melody with the chords. After I made my main melody, I orchestrated my A section. Then I made a melody for my B section and orchestrated that. I made an ending, added dynamics and articulations. Now we are working on orchestrating one family of instruments. I started with the wood winds for my A section. There is also brass and strings. Then there is percussion. I am looking forward to writing my program notes, because I have made a good story to go with my piece.

Brooklyn Museum Docent Talk

My experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was very fun. I felt like it was fun because I got to learn a lot and I was happy with my talk. I liked how everyone in my group asked really good questions and gave nice compliments. One thing I learned about note-taking is to not plagiarize. When it comes to taking notes is that you should read in chunks. I used to write something down as soon as I read something important, but now I read in chunks then write. One thing that is still challenging for me about note taking is to not write in complete sentences.



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