Summer Learning-Alpaca Farm!
My birthday was on August 16th and my mum said she had a surprise for me. She made a call and the said it would happen the next day. I had a great birthday and I was so excited for the next day. The only hint I had was that we needed closed toed shoes. I woke up the next morning, got dressed and we all got into the car.
I did not recognize where we were going at all. Gwen didn’t know either, and when we saw the sign that said “Breezy Hill Alpacas” we freaked out! We both are obsessed with alpacas! So we met this guy named Dave, and he took us to the pasture with the males. We couldn’t go in with them, because they are aggressive. We walked over to the females and we saw like five on the hill. Dave started to call them over and they stared at us like deer on a street. He kept calling them and they all stampeded over and you could hear the running of hooves. It was so funny.
He introduced us to some of them, and he showed us this little guy.
After, Dave said we could go in the pasture with them. He gave us some treats and we fed the alpacas! It was so fun! It is basically like feeding a horse. After we fed them we saw this guy with bangs!
So we just pet and talked with Dave in the pasture some more. I pet the girl named Wildfire and she was extremely soft! My favorite was still Hermey!
Next we went and felt the alpaca fur off of the alpaca, and it is really cool, because it is not greasy like sheep is. So if you have 10 lbs. of sheep fur vs 10 lbs. of alpaca fur, with the sheep fur you would loose 5 pounds because of the grease, but with alpaca fur you will end up with still 10 pounds! He also showed us the shop with the yarn. The yarn was made from all of their alpacas, not other ones mixed in. They even had the picture of the alpaca they used for the yarn on the side! It was really awesome, and I can cross that off my bucket list!