Summer Learning-Going to the Quarry

During the first week of July, we took a trip the Manchester, VT.  On the way back we saw the Quarry. A quarry is a deep pit kind of thing, were rocks are extracted. This quarry stopped being used as a quarry in 1915, and was then filled with water. It was turned into a place where you could go and cliff jump. We had also gone to Lake George a couple weeks after out visit to Vermont, and we had really enjoyed the cliff jump we found there, so we decided to go to the quarry. The quarry is the oldest quarry in the United States, and the first marble quarry in the states.

The sign with some history.

The sign with some history.

When we went in there were cliff jumps ranging in size. We started at the smaller ones. The water was a nice temperature and it was really fun.

Me and my dad jumping off of the smaller ones.

Me and my dad jumping off of the smaller ones.

We just continued to make our way higher and higher. We decided to go to the other side and try those jumps.

Swimming to the other side of the quarry.

Swimming to the other side of the quarry.

Our goal for the end of it was to do the highest one which my dad estimated was around 25 feet. It doesn’t seem like much until you get up there. On one of the jumps you had to climb up a wire instead of the ladder, and it was kind of like rock climbing. Before we knew it we were at the second highest jump. I just went for it and it was really fun. Then Gwen, and Daddy went too. We made our way to the highest one.

Walking over to the highest jump

Walking over to the highest jump

Some people were doing flip off of the highest one, and it was crazy. I kept hesitating for about 10 or 15 minutes. There was another boy about my age who was hesitating too. I finally just went for it. You can’t really explain how it felt. It felt like I was in the air forever, and I actually had real time to get into position, and get ready to land. I did it and it felt good and was super awesome. The other kid kind of grunted when I jumped off, because he was like Now I kind of have to do it. Gwen and Daddy didn’t end up doing it because it was getting crowded and we were getting cold. It was a super awesome day and I was proud of myself.

1 Comment on Summer Learning-Going to the Quarry

  1. Stella
    September 9, 2016 at 6:01 pm (9 years ago)

    I liked this because you really described how it felt to jump of the highest jump and now I want to visit that quarry and jump of the highest cliff!



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