Apple vs. F.B.I. and Randsomeware

My mum and I talked about the Apple versus F.B.I. situation that is happening. We had different opinions on some things. My mum thought that it was good that Apple gave the F.B.I. the info for the iPhone that they needed and so did I. We talked about the skeleton key too. I think that even though we don’t have much privacy in our technology, and since we live with all the hackers, we should be able to keep that little privacy. So I think that Apple should not give the F.B.I. the skeleton key. My mum thinks that since we have so little privacy, it will not make a difference.

We also talked about the Ransomware in the hospital in L.A. We both thought it was really bad, and that they should not have to pay $17,000 just to get their info back. When I first heard the fact that they had to pay, I thought I would not if it was me. Then I thought about actually being in their place, and thought that I actually would pay. My mum’s hospital stuff actually did get stolen. Records from several years got stolen. That was when she had me, so there was tons of her information in her files. That is a little scary to think about. We both wish there were no hackers in this world.

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