Being a Computer
One day in d.lab we were turned into computers. I was the BIOS first. The BIOS is like the bouncer to a party. They decide if something is important, or if it can wait. The user chose a action to do, then the peripherals (keyboard and mouse) found it, and gave it to the BIOS, and they gave it to the CPU, to give it to the hard drive, to find the matching one, and pass it to the RAM (random access memory) which held it, and it went all the way back around to the beginning to get it to the user.
Next I has a peripheral, and it was really hard. When the user told you to do something we would have to find the card with that command, and give it to the BIOS. The user was sending in commands really fast, and we had to find them, but there were also cards coming back out to give to the user. So if you got the ones coming in and the ones coming out mixed up, you could give the user the wrong one. (That would be bad!)
After that, I was a hard drive for a tiny bit. I think that was the hardest job. You had to get the command card, then go through your bin of cards and find the matching card. You had to hustle, and you could not have the cards on the table. (They had to be in your hands, or the bin.
I would have liked to try to be the user, because you could make it easy, and send them in really slow, or make it be more like a real computer, and send them in really fast, because a computer is really do A LOT, A LOT of things every second!