Summer Blog Post Two


This is a picture of my and my sisters at a museum.

During this summer in late august i went to Copenhagen, in Copenhagen we saw a lot of interesting things. In the picture we are at an art exhibit about video art, at this exhibit we went into an abandoned sewer system to see video art. There was a few doves that would leave your site and then come back, there was also other pictures like a playground of kids with distorted sounds in the background. There was also multiple pictures of the same tree in different seasons and it would change. After that we went to palace that had a ton of tapestries hung along the walls and the artist of the tapestries toured us through them.

Summer Blog Post


Me, my cousin, my sister Katie and my sister Tess

During the summer around August me and my sisters went to surf camp, This picture is a private lesson we took with my cousin. The previous two years we went to a different surf camp, so we were all good surfers. There’s three reasons i made a blog post on this is because we did it a lot pretty much three weeks spread out to five weeks. The second reason is because it was a lot better than the other surf camp we went to. Also the counselors were super nice and fun.I consider myself a good surfer, and I still learned a lot about surfing at this camp.


Hero Essay MaxT

Very few people are really good and deserve the title hero. But Two people named Jim Withers and Odysseus really do deserve that title. They both do many courageous acts and have many great talents that they use to help other people. I think that odysseus could improve but everybody can improve.


Odysseus may be flawed, he’s has a bit of hubris and sometimes can be selfish, but all in all he’s a hero. He is very selfless and seems to care about his crew more than himself, a time when he showed this is when his crew opened the bag of winds and sent them way off course when they were less than a mile away from home. Instead of jumping off of the boat in despair he kept on defending his crew even if they made that terrible mistake. This occurred on page 19.     

How many people can say they have helped save 2000 lives not many people, but dr Jim Withers has helped so many people. Dr Jim Withers is a doctor who helps homeless people if they are injured. He goes to people on the street of Philadelphia or other place like under bridges and helps make sure they are healthy. Dr Jim Withers is brave and a quick thinker, with the skills and knowledge to help people in need of help. He is brave and dedicated to helping people he will do anything to make sure everyone will be okay. In the video he is shown helping homeless people. If Dr Jim Withers wasn’t alive Philadelphia would have 2000 less people. He has saved countless lives and has helped so many people. He has made a big Impact in the city of Philadelphia.

Where would we be without heroes? Probably in a war that will never end. Many people have risked their lives for the things that they believe in like Odysseus who fought so hard to see his people, or Dr Jim Withers who helps people on the streets of philadelphia. Both people who show heroic feats, that inspire many to do great things.


Art- Single point perspective

In art we made a picture of a street in our perspective.

Perspective drawing has been sort of difficult because you have to match up all of the lines perfectly or it looks really bad and not like an actual persons perspective. The hardest part like I just said is to match up the lines perfectly and it can make or break your piece. It’s coming out pretty good and I think the creativity I put into it is good. I’m not happy with it yet but I think that if I keep working hard I will be happy. The hardest part about going from shapes to street is finding the right balance between what you want to make and what you have to make.

Are Humans Following the Rules.

120,000,000 plastic spoons and forks get dumped in a landfill in India.

Narayana Peesapaty is changing that with a spoon that can survive 3 years and can be eaten

A man decided to make resilient cutlery that’s edible and delicious to help reduce the amounts of plastic cutlery being thrown away. It applies to the rule “There is no such place as away” because you can’t get rid of anything but with this you can help reduce the amount of plastic waste. I think in the future this invention should replace ALL  plastic cutlery around the world, because then we can save lots of waste. Maybe they could also replace paper products and other plastic products with edible things too. Like paper plates and plastic cups. This edible cutlery idea could expand,  it’s more resilient and can survive three weeks on a shelf. So the world would have a lot less waste if we used these edible inventions.

Trash is a Big Problem


This is the result of humans finding a place to put trash.

There is no such place as as away.

If a plastic bottle decomposes its atoms are still there but somewhere else. Atoms are immortal and invincible atoms will stay forever, they won’t just “go away.” In class we watched a video that showed us where a small town in Utah’s  trash goes. It gets hauled in and burned, then they take the metal out of the ash then recycle it, then the ash gets buried in a landfill. In this video they are reducing the trash but it’s still there, trash can never go away.

Exit Polling

On Tuesday the 5th grade exit polled, exit polling is when you ask people who they voted for after they voted. I learned that different neighborhoods like different candidates for example one neighborhood liked John Kasich and another liked Donald Trump and no neighborhoods liked Ted Cruz. Another thing I learned is how to deal with other people liking things you hate, because a lot of people liked Bernie and I knew that I would look weird if I went crazy even though I would. I was surprised that John Kasich had a lot of votes even though he was in last in the whole thing. I was also surprised that there were so many campaigning stations for Bernie even though Hillary Clinton had the odds in her favor.

During the exit polling I felt ignored because a lot of people ignored me or lied or crossed the street. I also felt like I was being rushed because some of the people had to go to work and I was very clumsy one of the times. Still a lot of the people I encountered were very fun and good hearted and made silly jokes or took pictures. I rate exit polling 8/10.


Art Canopic Jar

Max T Canopic Jar

In art we made Canopic jars to store Hatshepsut’s organs. I like Mine because it looks like  a hawk (which is what it is supposed to be), it looks like a hawk because of the beak and it has the pharaoh hat thingie. I don’t like that the bottom part is not glazed due to lack of time, and that the area that was supposed to have hieroglyphs is blank also due to lack of time.

Art Ushabti

Max T Ushabti

In art we made ushabtis for Hatshepsut’s tomb. I like how mine looks like an actual Pharaoh, because of the way he has the false beard and hat thing. I don’t like that he looks like somebody who could be alive today because of his facial features.