Ima Firin Ma Lasar Drawing

Memes are small pictures phrases or videos which are popular. This picture of a red lipped face with a dramatic screaming expression. I chose this face to take an interesting face assignment and turn it into a funny face. Also I enjoy how it looks and had fun drawing it.

Half of Bender Drawing

For one of the drawings in our weekly drawings I drew one of my favorite cartoon characters, Bender. The assignment was to draw half of a picture, so I drew Bender. It looks good in my opinion and I enjoyed drawing it.


The Ramblings of Two Idiots in Space


This year I have been working really hard on a story I didn’t want to make at first but after the first day of writing I loved it. The two main characters are called Jimothy and Johnson they are funny people floating in space. The really good part about this story is that Tatsuya is illustrating it into a comic. We even might get it into the newspaper. I like to write this story because almost everything in the book is dialogue perfect for a comic. There are tons of characters in the book. Here is a passage from the book.

“Something is missing, what is it?” asked Johnson

“Hmm I don’t know maybe EARTH” said an irritated Jimothy

“That makes sense, What do we do”  

“Go die”

“Why don’t we tell stories, I just got back from China”

“Shut up. China is gone!”

“It’s pronounced Ghina” Johnson said in a Donald Trump accent

“I literally would rather be stranded in space with anyone else”

“So once upon a time there was a terrible human being with the worst name imaginable. He liked pretending he had friends and a life, he knew a great man named Johnson”

“This is god-awful”

“Johnson went to the terrible human being known as Jimothy but we’ll just call him THB for terrible human being. Because nobody liked him anyway THB had just got back from his mom’s house and his mom told him how much she hated him, so Johnson went to his house to cheer him up. Author’s note I feel like this book really shows how bad of a person THB was and how good of a person Johnson was”

“My turn to tell a brain dead story”

“Um that story was art”

“Suuuure” blurted Jimothy in a sarcastic tone

“Hater” Muttered Johnson    

“Jimothy was an alien known as an AAAAAAAA. They were an elite force of monks who were omnipotent, omniscient, and aware they were in a story. Then they came to life and murdered Jimothy brutally”

“And my story was bad”

“I wanna die”

Art Portraits

I would like to name my portraits the max portraits because they are portraits of me. I created this work of art by drawing, water coloring and foam plate printing. I learned that just drawing is not easy it takes a lot of skill. My favorite part was the ink. If I could change something I would change the foam plate because it’s ugly looking. While making I was surprised how black the ink was. I don’t want to share anything else.

Mandarin post

One of my favorite mandarin quizlit sets this year is the set about the classroom. This set taught me a lot of extremely important characters. I feel like I learned more in this set than any other set, I liked learning it and know how important all the characters are. I love the old set but i’m excited to learn the new set.

Coat of Arms

coatofarmsI chose the color purple because my family represents justice and sovereignty I chose berries because my family is always open to new ideas, And we’re peaceful. I think the bear represents my mom who is very tough.  I chose the Pegasus Because everyone in my family is smart and has a great vocabulary. I chose chains because we help people and donate money. Last but not least is a Pokemon card, because I like Pokemon and video games.

Monologue of knight

I am Richard the 4th and I am experiencing the worst part of my life. Fasting. I just had a great bath to wash away my sins. I am tired, hungry, thirsty and my knees hurt. At least all get to see the king and have a big feast with my family. I can’t believe I trained for twelve years to sit and pray for 24 hours. I can’t wait to be richer than Sir Henry the 6th, all the beautiful women will love me for my bravery. I’m a little bit scared of death, I hope I don’t die immediately or die in vain. I worry that God is in aid of the other side of my battles and does not help me.

I can not believe that Knights have to go through all of these rituals just to fight other people, I understand the training but the fasting and bathing and coronation. I am so excited to be famous, everyone is going to sing about Sir Richard the 4th and I will live in a huge castle. I am excited and scared to go into battle. On one hand it could be a lot of fun riding around and killing people. On the other I could die really easily or be punished for doing something bad. I want to serve our lord and that’s the real reason I took this job. Not because the money, not because the women, I became a knight to serve God. I would tell more about my experience but I am so tired I can’t think.

Summer Reflection

This summer has meant  a lot to me because i spent a lot of time with my family going on trips and bonding. We did a lot of puzzles and spent a lot of time swimming and hanging out. I also spent a lot of time with my friends and extended family doing lots of fun things and spending time together. I went to Copenhagen and Stockholm and experienced new and interesting things. I celebrated my birthday with my friends and family. I relaxed and spent time doing things i love, like swimming, surfing, looking at art.

Summer Blog Post Three

This is the Iron Boy it was made by an artist that would always look up at the stars and decided to make a sculpture of it
This is the Iron Boy it was made by an artist that would always look up at the stars and decided to make a sculpture of it

After we went to Copenhagen We went to Stockholm, in Stockholm we saw some very interesting art and learned a lot about the culture. The most exciting thing we went to was the Vasa museum, this museum was built around a boat that was found in the nineteen fifties by a young Swedish archaeologist. We looked at everything scavenged from the boat there were cannons, clothes, shoes, rings and various other things, my favorite thing we saw was an old diver suit worn by one of the divers that helped scavenge the boat. Another one of my favorite things we saw was the captains cabin because I took a picture of it and accidentally put a random filter on it and it looked really cool. We also took a tour of the old town which is about half of Stockholm and the old town is where all the tourists go to learn about the culture of Stockholm. In the old town there were a lot of gift shops (because a lot of tourists go there), and a lot of them have the same things but it was really funny to go to all of them and see what they had.