Category: Uncategorized

Trash is a Big Problem


This is the result of humans finding a place to put trash.

There is no such place as as away.

If a plastic bottle decomposes its atoms are still there but somewhere else. Atoms are immortal and invincible atoms will stay forever, they won’t just “go away.” In class we watched a video that showed us where a small town in Utah’s  trash goes. It gets hauled in and burned, then they take the metal out of the ash then recycle it, then the ash gets buried in a landfill. In this video they are reducing the trash but it’s still there, trash can never go away.

Exit Polling

On Tuesday the 5th grade exit polled, exit polling is when you ask people who they voted for after they voted. I learned that different neighborhoods like different candidates for example one neighborhood liked John Kasich and another liked Donald Trump and no neighborhoods liked Ted Cruz. Another thing I learned is how to deal with other people liking things you hate, because a lot of people liked Bernie and I knew that I would look weird if I went crazy even though I would. I was surprised that John Kasich had a lot of votes even though he was in last in the whole thing. I was also surprised that there were so many campaigning stations for Bernie even though Hillary Clinton had the odds in her favor.

During the exit polling I felt ignored because a lot of people ignored me or lied or crossed the street. I also felt like I was being rushed because some of the people had to go to work and I was very clumsy one of the times. Still a lot of the people I encountered were very fun and good hearted and made silly jokes or took pictures. I rate exit polling 8/10.


Art Ushabti

Max T Ushabti

In art we made ushabtis for Hatshepsut’s tomb. I like how mine looks like an actual Pharaoh, because of the way he has the false beard and hat thing. I don’t like that he looks like somebody who could be alive today because of his facial features.

Math strength Expansion


I think that decimals and percentages are one of my strengths because they are already very straight forward, and I like them because lots of decimals and percentages can be split to create infinite possibilities. I chose this example because it show my best work in decimals and percentages. From the link below,I practiced 8th grade problems to see if I understood the concepts well enough. I got almost all the questions correct and understood everything.




My topic was : Religion

  1. What was your experience like at the museum giving your talk?

My experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was  pretty good. I felt like everybody was listening and asking good questions  because everyone was listening and asking when good questions . One thing I learned about note-taking is that you have to take notes by reading a paragraph. When it comes to taking notes, I used to write exactly what I want when I want, but now I  take notes by reading the paragraph. One thing that is still challenging for me about note taking is not talking fast.


Apple dicussion

Me and my mom decided to pretend to be Apple and the FBI I was Apple and my mom was the FBI

My mom said she needed the phone because the next nine eleven could be on there and I told her that if I let her into that one phone she would be able to see EVERYBODY’S phone. She said that they could not do that because the judge wouldn’t allow it. Then I won her over by saying that a robber or criminal or hacker or other country could steal the tool to get on everybody’s phone.



Book Partnerships


My partner and I read Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry. Our partnership was  very good because we both loved the book and we almost never failed on work. I’m proud that I could do all my work almost perfectly and on time and get amazing grades One challenge for me was to get into the book because it’s hard for me to get into the books  i’m reading.

I interviewed my mom tonight about Gun Violence. She told me two stories that had two different endings. In once story – things changed, in the other, they didn’t. One was 1996, in Dunblane Scotland where a man with a mental disability named Thomas Hamilton killed 16 kids one teacher and himself. After this tragedy the UK made it illegal to get guns. The other one was 2012, in Sandy Hook CT where a man with a mental disability named Adam Lanza killed 28 people and himself. To this day access to handguns is legal in the US. We also talked about why and it’s because they are angry and if you have access to a gun and you are angry you might shoot somebody.

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My Zoetrope

Photo on 1-21-16 at 8.43 AM #2This is my zoetrope and it shows a guy falling up stairs into a portal thats that teleports him to the bottom. This helped me  learn how to make mistakes into something beautiful. I think this is my best work because it took a lot of time and effort to make into something I am vey proud of.

Ashokan picture

This is me Lars, Tess and Farin doing a trust walk on the team building exercise at Ashokan. I’m the one with the black blindfold. I chose this picture because I had a lot of fun when it happened.