2017-18 learning value
This year I am focusing on classroom citizenship. I chose this because I’m not a pro at it yet, but I’m trying to get better on being a better member of our community. I understand sometimes being a good citizen can be hard sometimes, but it’s important to try to be the best citizen you can be. To be a good community member you need to treat everyone with equal respect and integrity, and you need to find a way to treat everyone with kindness, genuine kindness, because if we are nice to each other conflict wont happen and without conflict we can get our work done easier and faster.
Initiative is really important because, if your not working your hardest why are you even here. Initiative is all about working hard and finding ways to work even harder, for example in colonial Williamsburg, if you went up to people and tried to get information without asking a teacher if you can, is initiative. Initiative is about not being afraid to try new things, and not being scared to learn with new and exciting information.