My Ushabti
In art we made Ushabtis. Ushabtis are statues that Ancient Egyptians put in tombs. first I shaped mine out of clay. Then I added markings that Ancient Egyptians would put on there Ushabtis. After that I glazed mine then over glazed it. You didn’t need to put on an over glaze, but I decided to. The part I most like about my Ushabti is the markings. The best part for me was shaping my Ushabti. It was very fun making.
My Tomb Painting
This is my Tomb painting. We made our tomb paintings in art. We made them for the tomb, because in an Egyptian tombs they would engrave pictures into the walls. First we sketched it, then we drew it, then we over lined it in sharpie, and then we colored it in with water color. Mine is of the goddess Isis with hieroglyphics in the background.
French Skit
In French we made and performed a french restaurant skit. First we had to make up the restaurant we were eating at, the occasion, and how the different characters new each other. Our restaurant was named La Stella. The occasion was it was someones birthday. The characters were Anastasia (the person who was having the birthday), Antoinette (her mom), Camille (Anastasia’s friend), and Stephanie (the waitress). Then we had to write a script bring in props and perform. During the skit I learned so many things. I learned about different foods and drinks in french. I also learned about different things you need to know to order at a restaurant. It was very fun.
Shark Tank
In Science we played a game called Shark Tank. There was one shark, four minnows and lots of seaweed in the simulation. Every round the shark had to eat two minnows to survive, the minnows had to eat one seaweed, and the seaweed couldn’t eat anything. If each creature ate what they needed to, they could reproduce. If a seaweed survived, it could reproduce. We had two simulations, the first had four rounds and the second had five rounds. The chart above shows information about the second simulation. Our goal was to make the populations grow or stay the same each round. We accomplished our goal. We used a strategy that made sure the shark didn’t eat too many minnows each round, and the minnows didn’t eat too much seaweed. This way the starting populations would not get smaller but would either grow or stay the same. I think if we continued this strategy, we would get the same results. I think this teaches us that if everyone only eats what they need to survive and not too much, no species will go extinct.
Music Review
It has been fun composing my piece. I have learned a lot about different textures and accents. This composition I started with a chord progression. I liked starting with a chord progression, after you just add a melody. So far I really like how my piece is coming out. It is fun listening to my piece then adding anything that I think I should change. I can’t wait to listen to my piece being played by the orchestra.
Brooklyn Museum
My experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was hard. I felt like it was hard to give the talk because the part of the museum that had my topic was closed for a renovation. One thing I learned about note-taking is that when I write in full sentences it is easier to present my ideas. When it comes to taking notes, I like to write in phrases, but when I give my presentation I like to write in full sentences. One thing that is still challenging for me about giving a presentation is not to keep looking back at my notes a lot.
Reading Partnership
My partner and I read Tuck Everlasting. Our partnership was good because when somone forgot their book or read ahead no one got upset. I’m proud that I had a good partnership because my partner is not my closest friend. One challenge for me was not reading ahead because the book was so good I kept on wanting to keep on reading.
Apple and Cyber Security
I think that Apple should unlock the persons phone that the FBI found. I also think that it is unfair that the FBI wants to make a skeleton key that unlocks every Apple device because people need privacy. I think that people should be able to keep their privacy. So I think there shouldn’t be a skeleton key, but I do think that apple should unlock the phone that the FBI found. My questions are how long is this debate going to go on for and if Apple is going to let the FBI make the skeleton key or not. I think that when the hospital situation happened that the FBI shouldn’t have said to give the hackers the money so soon. But if they didn’t figure it out for a while then they maybe should give them the money. I also think that they should’ve tried to hack into the hackers system to stop them having control of the computers. That is what think about the hospital situation and the Apple FBI situation.
MLK gun violence
Me and my family talked about how the laws changed. If you bought guns in gun shows you didn’t need a back round check, but now you do need one. It is the same with some other types of things like gun shows. The 4th amendment says that you have the right to bare arms because people thought you should be able to protect themselves. Some people don’t use them just for hunting or to protect themselves.
Some dangerous guns like machine guns you don’t need for hunting or to protect yourself. People say that they are aloud to carry around dangerous guns like machine guns because of the 4th amendment. But you do not actually need dangerous guns for other things but people have them anyway. I think that the new laws are good but some people think that the government is trying to take guns away from them. That is what me and my family talked about.
My texture paper collage
This is my texture paper collage. We started by picking a color scheme. You can choose secondary, primary or analogous. then we made six different texture papers. We made different textures like smooth, bumpy, swirly, fluffy. Then we drew still lives of everyday objects like a stuffed animal, a vase, and a bouncy ball. Then we cut up our texture papers and put them on our pictures. It made an awesome collage! I learned what an analogous color scheme is, it is three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. I think that I did my best work!