Summer Reading

Hero Essay
Heroes are people who will fight for what is right. Even if it is dangerous they will stand their ground. They are admired by many. They stay determined and brave. They are found all throughout time. Like Monique Pool, who saves animals in modern times, while Odysseus fought in the trojan war. And even though they are from different points in time, they all share the same heroic qualities. They both do what is best for what they care about.
Even though Odysseus has boasted a lot, his heroic acts make up for it. He shows a lot of hubris, but he still has bravery and perseverance. In the chapter The Lord Of The Winds, he is able to keep a strong heart and be civil even though he was angry at his crew. â…and he strengthened his heart within himâŚâ. He acted with civility towards his crew. He was going to kill himself but he knew his crew couldnât live without him. Someone who isnât a hero would, just do what helps them.
Monique Pool is a modern day hero. Her work is about the environment, and animals. She is from Suriname and works there. She helps rescue animals when they are losing their habitat. She rescues different animals but mostly sloths. When she rescues them she keeps them in her house or in cages outside. But when they are healthy enough to, she releases them back into the wild. Some heroic qualities that she has is that she is very selfless because she gives up a lot of room in her house for animals. She is also very determined because she rescues as much animals as possible. If Monique Pool wasnât doing her work, animals would be having nowhere to live. And if they had an injury they would have to live like that.
A hero doesnât just do what they do because it helps them, they do it to help others. They are selfless, and kind. Without heroes the world would be a different place. Like if Martin Luther King jr. wasnât there, we would still have segregation. A hero helps people in need. They give up their time and safety so people can be as healthy and safe as them. People like Odysseus, and Monique Pool fight for what is right. They will stand their ground even if it is dangerous, because thatâs what a hero would do.
Verb Sentences
The topic of the assignment was verbs. For this assignment we got a packet with different pictures. Each picture had a verb under it. We had to write a sentence using that verb. A pattern in the verbs is if you want to say someone is doing the action of the verb you have to change the beginning and the ending. Before the verb is changed it is called a verb infinitive. What you add to the end of a verb infinitive is er. So every verb infinitive has er at the end. The different beginnings are Vous, Elle, Il, Ills, Je, Nous, and Tu. The ending for Vous is ez, the ending for Elle is e, the ending for Il is e, the ending for Ills is ent, The ending for Je is e, the ending for Nous is ons, and the ending for Tu is es. I enjoyed thinking of sentences for each verb.
Perspective Drawing
The perspective drawing has been a little bit difficult. The hardest part has been drawing the windows. I think my perspective drawing has been coming out well. I am very happy with it. The hardest part about moving from our shape drawings to our street drawings is doing doors and windows. It is hard because the length of the window or door has to be vertical, while the width has to slanted.
Are Humans Following The Rules?
This article is about how when manatees need to travel to warmer waters tourists crowd them and pet them. And the manatees get stressed out because people are crowding them, so they canât rest with so many people crowding them. I think this connects to everything is connected because humans are doing something that they are not even meaning to do. And since everything is connected it effects manatees. Humans are not following the rules, but it is on accident because they donât know the rules. I think they should make it so less people can swim with the sharks, and they should wait in between each time so they can swim away and more can come.
We can’t go to Hogwarts
This is a picture of the pacific trash vortex. It represents there is no such place as away. I’m sorry but we can’t just make things disappear. And since everything is made of atoms, we can’t destroy truly destroy something. Eventually were going to run out of space for all the trash since we can’t just make it disappear. Even if you keep on trying to destroy it it will not go away. After all, we are the ones who made it.That is why we have so much trash on earth. And America’s has the most. Aren’t you happy? Were going to win the prize for most trash.
In class we watched a video about where all the trash goes. We learned a bunch of things about trash dumps. After that we had a debate about the video. We talked about where the trash goes. Then we got a homework assignment about where the trash goes in NYC. I learned a lot of new things about that.
Exit Polling
On the day of the New York Primary we went out to exit poll. We went outside of the voting area and waited till someone came out. Once someone came out we approached them and asked them if they voted. If they voted, we asked them more questions on a sheet of paper. If they didn’t we wouldn’t ask them any more questions.
Something I learned during exit polling is some people will be very busy, and just walk past you after you approach them. Three people walked straight past me. I also learned that there are a bunch of different times you could vote. Some things that surprised me was that most of the peoples answers were Hillary Clinton. I thought it was mostly going to be Bernie Sanders. Something else that surprised was that the data recorders got the percentages correct for the neighborhood.
My experience polling was very fun. I completed all the sheets on my clipboard. Some people were really nice. Someone didn’t want to say who they voted for so we did not email that to the data collectors. It was also challenging to go up to people and ask them questions.
I think my strength is finding the area and perimeter of triangles and rectangles. I think It is a strength because when I do those problems I can get through them pretty fast. I also think this is a strength because It is fun for me so I don’t get distracted.
My Canopic Jar
This is my Canopic Jar. There were four different jars we could do. I chose to do the jackal head. We made them out of clay then glazed them. You could choose to paint on an over glaze, but I decided not to.