Music Band Video
Here is my band video:
In music we split up into three groups to play a song as a band. We picked one of our band members songs and played it as a group. I think this was a fun and educational experience to play songs as a group . I learned a lot because it helped to know how I sounded in a group and I learned about how bands put together a piece of music to play. It was fun because I liked playing in a group and It was interesting to see how it sounded as a group piece.
Weekly Drawing #2

Weekly Drawing #1

French Slideshow Link
This is the link to my slideshow.
My slideshow is about Les jardin chùteau de versailles (the garden of the palace of versailles). Three goals I completed while writing this assignment are focusing on detail, researching in french, and writing sentences about something while describing it in french. I learned about how the subway system worked and how the lines connected. There are colored lines that go from one side of the map to another. Along the lines there are different subway stops. Each color represents a different line, it is very similar to our subway system. The seine river passes through the middle of the map, so a subway stop can either be on le rive gauche (the left side of the river), or le rive droite (the right side of the river). In this project I learned a lot about describing objects in sentences, and using adjectives. My favorite part of this project was drawing different parts of the garden, and learning about the history of people who went there.
Grid Self Portrait
My piece is named Grid Self portraits. I created this work of art by drawing different grid self portraits then coloring them in different ways. We colored them all in except for one, so if we messed up we could photo copy that one and use it. The different ways we could color them in were with colored pencil, pencil and blender, chalk pastel, oil pastel, foam plate printing, watercolor, and ink and brush. I choose oil pastel, colored pencil, and watercolor. Something I learned from this project was how to use the different materials I used to color in my pictures. I also learned how to use a grid and to use on my drawing. My favorite part was using watercolor to color in my drawing. If I could choose something to change I would change it so all my drawings looked more similar. Some of them look different from the others. While making it I was surprised how much drawing a grid and using it could help proportions. It was very fun to make the different drawings and experiment with new materials. Something I would like to share about my piece is that it was very fun to make the different drawings and experiment with new materials.

Descriptions Using Adjectives in French
When completing the Halloween assignment in French, I learned mainly about adjectives and where they’re placed in a sentence. In this assignment I learned that BAGS rule – adjectives that always go in front of the noun are an exception, and regular adjectives go after the noun. I also learned more about conjugating verbs, and the different endings of different pronoun agreement for specific verbs. With the verb ĂȘtre (to be) here are the different endings for the pronouns :
Je  suis- I am
Tu es- You are
Il/Elle/on est- He is/she is/everybody is (informal)
Nous sommes- We are
Vous ĂȘtes- They are
Ils/eElles – They are (masculine)/ They are (feminine)
For the Halloween assignment we had to pick a Halloween picture and then describe it by using adjectives. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment and learned a lot.

Coat of Arms Paragraph
Green means Hope and Joy, I picked this color because it is one of my favorite colors and I think that It repersents my family well. Blue means truth and loyalty, I chose this color because it goes well with green and It also is very simmilar to greenâs meanings. Red means warrior or military strength, I chose this because my great grandfather and great uncle fought in World War 2. The apple means liberality, felicity and peace. The oak tree means Great age and strengh, I chose this because my great grandfather and great uncle fought in World War 2. The panther mens Fierce but tender and loving to children. I chose this because we are always worried about eachother, and we have a black cat that is a big part of ou family.
Becoming a Knight
Becoming A Knight
I am hungry. I am tired. But here I am becoming a knight. I am scared. What if I fail the rest of the process? What if they donât want me to become a knight? I have not eaten in 15 hours, still praying. I hear my armor clank together as I move over. I am worried that I will fail one of my missions. Soon at dawn I will admit all my sins. But I have to do this. I need to become a knight. I will be able to save people, I will bring justice. I feel scared, but still excited.
I want to speak in the ceremony but Iâm not allowed. What would I say? Perhaps this: Thank You, I promise to bring justice, and save all in my path. Something like that. Another hour passes, or at least thatâs what it felt like. My stomach grumbles. My eyelids heavy from sleepless hours. I keep on praying, I have to. I am determined.
I keep on praying. I am on the third step of becoming a knight. My throat is dry, and parched, I am very thirsty. I keep going, keep praying, keep trying. Iâm restless, I move over, another clank. Â Please God, help me become a knight. I can not wait for that moment when the king strikes me with the flat of his sword. The second he lifts it from my shoulder, I will be a knight. I think of that moment, it keeps me motivated to keep on going.
Science Diorama
Our diorama is a model of the water purification center at Kensico reservoir. The story weâre trying to tell is if this water purification system was taken away, sickness and tooth decay would occur. Obviously, if that happened lots of people would be in danger so knowing how this process works is important because without it, we would have to get water from a different source and not as many people would have clean water to drink. Â