Category: Hahn
Learning Habit Observation
The learning habit I choose was perseverance. One way I have used this in a positive way is during a French test I forgot a vocabulary word. I was going to move on but I kept on trying and eventually remembered. An intention I want to do to make this learning habit successful is to always remember other times I used it and why it helped. This way I will be inspired to keep on going.
French Slideshow Link
This is the link to my slideshow.
My slideshow is about Les jardin château de versailles (the garden of the palace of versailles). Three goals I completed while writing this assignment are focusing on detail, researching in french, and writing sentences about something while describing it in french. I learned about how the subway system worked and how the lines connected. There are colored lines that go from one side of the map to another. Along the lines there are different subway stops. Each color represents a different line, it is very similar to our subway system. The seine river passes through the middle of the map, so a subway stop can either be on le rive gauche (the left side of the river), or le rive droite (the right side of the river). In this project I learned a lot about describing objects in sentences, and using adjectives. My favorite part of this project was drawing different parts of the garden, and learning about the history of people who went there.
Descriptions Using Adjectives in French
When completing the Halloween assignment in French, I learned mainly about adjectives and where they’re placed in a sentence. In this assignment I learned that BAGS rule – adjectives that always go in front of the noun are an exception, and regular adjectives go after the noun. I also learned more about conjugating verbs, and the different endings of different pronoun agreement for specific verbs. With the verb être (to be) here are the different endings for the pronouns :
Je suis- I am
Tu es- You are
Il/Elle/on est- He is/she is/everybody is (informal)
Nous sommes- We are
Vous êtes- They are
Ils/eElles – They are (masculine)/ They are (feminine)
For the Halloween assignment we had to pick a Halloween picture and then describe it by using adjectives. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment and learned a lot.

Verb Sentences
The topic of the assignment was verbs. For this assignment we got a packet with different pictures. Each picture had a verb under it. We had to write a sentence using that verb. A pattern in the verbs is if you want to say someone is doing the action of the verb you have to change the beginning and the ending. Before the verb is changed it is called a verb infinitive. What you add to the end of a verb infinitive is er. So every verb infinitive has er at the end. The different beginnings are Vous, Elle, Il, Ills, Je, Nous, and Tu. The ending for Vous is ez, the ending for Elle is e, the ending for Il is e, the ending for Ills is ent, The ending for Je is e, the ending for Nous is ons, and the ending for Tu is es. I enjoyed thinking of sentences for each verb.
French Skit
In French we made and performed a french restaurant skit. First we had to make up the restaurant we were eating at, the occasion, and how the different characters new each other. Our restaurant was named La Stella. The occasion was it was someones birthday. The characters were Anastasia (the person who was having the birthday), Antoinette (her mom), Camille (Anastasia’s friend), and Stephanie (the waitress). Then we had to write a script bring in props and perform. During the skit I learned so many things. I learned about different foods and drinks in french. I also learned about different things you need to know to order at a restaurant. It was very fun.