Category: Demster
Map Animal Ideas
My plan is to make a paper mache cat and other animals and fill the eyes with cut out parts of the map that are places I like and film a short stop motion animation video of them moving. I will show my experience of New York City by gluing places out of the map onto places like the eyes and ears of the animals. They will be places I like, I have been to, my house, my school, places I’ve been, etc. I would like the project to be on an ipad or computer since it is going to be a stop motion animation video. I will put the computer/ipad will be on a table and I will have the actual paper mache animals on the table next to it. I hope people will learn places I have been. I hope to learn how to build paper mache structures better and make them look realistic.

Weekly Drawing #2

Weekly Drawing #1

Grid Self Portrait
My piece is named Grid Self portraits. I created this work of art by drawing different grid self portraits then coloring them in different ways. We colored them all in except for one, so if we messed up we could photo copy that one and use it. The different ways we could color them in were with colored pencil, pencil and blender, chalk pastel, oil pastel, foam plate printing, watercolor, and ink and brush. I choose oil pastel, colored pencil, and watercolor. Something I learned from this project was how to use the different materials I used to color in my pictures. I also learned how to use a grid and to use on my drawing. My favorite part was using watercolor to color in my drawing. If I could choose something to change I would change it so all my drawings looked more similar. Some of them look different from the others. While making it I was surprised how much drawing a grid and using it could help proportions. It was very fun to make the different drawings and experiment with new materials. Something I would like to share about my piece is that it was very fun to make the different drawings and experiment with new materials.

Perspective Drawing
The perspective drawing has been a little bit difficult. The hardest part has been drawing the windows. I think my perspective drawing has been coming out well. I am very happy with it. The hardest part about moving from our shape drawings to our street drawings is doing doors and windows. It is hard because the length of the window or door has to be vertical, while the width has to slanted.
My Ushabti
In art we made Ushabtis. Ushabtis are statues that Ancient Egyptians put in tombs. first I shaped mine out of clay. Then I added markings that Ancient Egyptians would put on there Ushabtis. After that I glazed mine then over glazed it. You didn’t need to put on an over glaze, but I decided to. The part I most like about my Ushabti is the markings. The best part for me was shaping my Ushabti. It was very fun making.
This is my Zoetrope. It is an animation where you draw a bunch of little pictures.You spin it really fast and it makes the animation. It spins in a cylinder that has holes in it so when look through the holes, and the cylinder is spinning it looks like a animation. I learned useful ways to fill in the space, like drawing little circles. I think this is an example of my best work, I worked really hard on it.