Category: Science
Science Body System
In science we are studying the Circulatory system. The Circulatory system pumps blood throughout your body to spread nutrients and oxygen to keep you alive. A fun fact that we found when we researched blood types is that Rh factor is named after the Rhesus monkey, because the Rh factor was first observed in the Rhesus monkey. The Rh factor is another antigen on the surface of your blood cell, not everyone has it. If you have the antigen you are Rh+, if you do not have the Rh factor you are Rh-. An interesting question that we have is; is the circulatory system the same for other mammals.

Science Diorama
Our diorama is a model of the water purification center at Kensico reservoir. The story we’re trying to tell is if this water purification system was taken away, sickness and tooth decay would occur. Obviously, if that happened lots of people would be in danger so knowing how this process works is important because without it, we would have to get water from a different source and not as many people would have clean water to drink.
Are Humans Following The Rules?
This article is about how when manatees need to travel to warmer waters tourists crowd them and pet them. And the manatees get stressed out because people are crowding them, so they can’t rest with so many people crowding them. I think this connects to everything is connected because humans are doing something that they are not even meaning to do. And since everything is connected it effects manatees. Humans are not following the rules, but it is on accident because they don’t know the rules. I think they should make it so less people can swim with the sharks, and they should wait in between each time so they can swim away and more can come.
We can’t go to Hogwarts
This is a picture of the pacific trash vortex. It represents there is no such place as away. I’m sorry but we can’t just make things disappear. And since everything is made of atoms, we can’t destroy truly destroy something. Eventually were going to run out of space for all the trash since we can’t just make it disappear. Even if you keep on trying to destroy it it will not go away. After all, we are the ones who made it.That is why we have so much trash on earth. And America’s has the most. Aren’t you happy? Were going to win the prize for most trash.
In class we watched a video about where all the trash goes. We learned a bunch of things about trash dumps. After that we had a debate about the video. We talked about where the trash goes. Then we got a homework assignment about where the trash goes in NYC. I learned a lot of new things about that.
Shark Tank
In Science we played a game called Shark Tank. There was one shark, four minnows and lots of seaweed in the simulation. Every round the shark had to eat two minnows to survive, the minnows had to eat one seaweed, and the seaweed couldn’t eat anything. If each creature ate what they needed to, they could reproduce. If a seaweed survived, it could reproduce. We had two simulations, the first had four rounds and the second had five rounds. The chart above shows information about the second simulation. Our goal was to make the populations grow or stay the same each round. We accomplished our goal. We used a strategy that made sure the shark didn’t eat too many minnows each round, and the minnows didn’t eat too much seaweed. This way the starting populations would not get smaller but would either grow or stay the same. I think if we continued this strategy, we would get the same results. I think this teaches us that if everyone only eats what they need to survive and not too much, no species will go extinct.
My Atom

In science we are learning about the parts of an atom. We had to make a model of an atom. The different parts are the neutrons and protons are the ones in the middle, and the electrons are the ones in orbit around the protons and neutrons. To get the numbers of each you have to subtract the atomic number (the number in the top right corner) from the atomic mass (the number on the bottom) then that is the number of electrons. The atomic number and mass of a hydrogen atom are one, so that means that the number of electrons is one because they have to cancel out each other. There is one proton because the atomic number is one. So on my atom there is one proton and one electron.
Big Bang Project
I think one inaccuracy about my project is that it makes a lot of noise, but there is no sound in space. I think one accuracy is that the rice scatters in random places like the big bang.
here is the link: