Posted on November 5, 2015
Being a human computer
HI PEOPLE!!! In one of my D.lab (technology) classes, my teacher clair turned my whole class into one computer. Each one of us had a role. There was the users, the peripherals (mouse and keyboard), the bios, the cpu, the hard drive and the RAM. RAM stands for Random Access Memories. Like the Daft punk album. I was of course the RAM. I noticed that it wold be very hard to be a computer because there are little tiny steps that happen in a fraction of a second. When my class was a computer we were a very slow computer. Even if I type a single letter it would have to go through the peripherals,the bios,the cpu,hard drive, and the RAM. I would’ve liked to be the Bios once because I saw them passing cards up and down and telling people stuff like” its purple!” “its green!”
Posted on November 4, 2015
My math test
There were 2 questions on my math test. the first one I got wrong and the second I got right. On the first one I didn’t have enough time but the second one I could do in 5 minutes. I should’ve done the algorithm for the first one but oh well. I think math so far for me is going well. My favorite part was learning long division. One class Robin my math teacher asked me to show my work on the board. I felt excited and accomplished because I never shown my math work.
Posted on November 4, 2015
My big bang project with Charlie
Hi people!
This is the video of my Big Bang Project where I put purple glitter into a balloon and my friend Charlie pops the balloon.
One Accurate thing about this project was it popped in a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second and the inaccuracy was that the big bang did not start with a balloon.
Posted on October 1, 2015
My first weeks of middle school
My first weeks of middle school were confusing because I don’t know were everything is and when someone tells me to go to the math room I have to ask someone where the math room is. I enjoy d.lab, PE,science and music because they are really awesome. If I would change anything in the school it would to have more chocolate milk. Every time I go in the tech lab I end up on the lower school side. I miss the lower school.
Posted on September 25, 2015
Sideways Stories From Wayside School by Louis Sachar
The book that I read was Sideways Stories From Wayside School by Louis Sachar. This is the first book in the Wayside school series. This book has 30 stories about the students in Mrs. Jewls class. I will tell you about the story I liked the most, it was Maurecia’s chapter. The setting of the book is in Wayside School.
One of the most important things about this book is that Wayside School was built sideways. It was supposed to be only one floor high with 30 classrooms on the ground. Instead the school was built 30 floors high and 1 classroom on 1 floor. I would say that Mauricia is tough because she can beat any boy in her class. She is also a person with a short attention span because she loves ice cream and she gets tired of it quickly. She is also popular because everyone likes her ice cream flavor the best which means everybody liked her.
I liked the book because of all the funny and imaginative things in it. For example in DeeDee’s chapter she was playing with a yellow ball that when you kicked it it went the opposite direction. I would recommend this book if you want to read a book with a lot of imagination. There is a show of wayside school but I don’t think it is on TV, I think that it is only on youtube. I have only seen one episode of the show and it was different than the book because in the book Mrs. Gorf was the teacher before Mrs. Jewls and in the show Mrs. Gorf was a sub. I would give the book 5 stars. If I needed to know something about a character and I went to the wrong page, I would continue reading it and not stop.
Posted on September 25, 2015
Chomp by Carl Hiaasen
The story that I read was Chomp by Carl Hiaasen. The story takes place in Florida. The main characters are Mickey Cray, Wahoo Cray, Derek Badger, and Tuna Gordon. In the very beginning Mickey gets a concussion by a frozen Iguana falling out of a tree. He also gets bad headaches and double vision.
Mickey and Wahoo have a zoo in their backyard because they do commercials with their animals. Later the phone rings and Wahoo picks it up. It is a job offer for a big big TV show called Expedition Survival!. It is about a person named “Derek Badger” and he survives in the wild without any food or water and he tries to kill animals for food. Mikey was supposed to be the animal wrangler and they would get $1000 a day. So they took the job and when Wahoo said $1000 a day it cured Mickey. “My headache’s gone!” mickey announced.
Wahoo said “No way.”
“All those pills the doctors made me swallow,they didn’t do a darn thing.Then all of the sudden I wake up and boom,it’s like a miracle.”Mickey shrugged.
But Wahoo had a theory that his father had been cured by “one thousand dollars a day”. And at the middle and end of the book a lot of crazy things happen like Derek gets bit by a bat and Derek goes missing and Tuna’s crazy drunk father comes and tries to take tuna away but he shoots a person named Link in the back, shot one of Mickey’s toe off and went to prison.
I liked this book because of all of the surprises and the language that I haven’t heard A surprise was when when Tuna’s father came to where everyone was. Another surprise was that Derek Badger went missing for a while and actually survived because Derek can’t really survive without any food or water. A piece of language that I didn’t know was “glint” It means sparkle like “the glint in his dad’s eyes made Wahoo uneasy. I think that a reader that doesn’t expect things will like this book.
I will rate Chomp 4 stars. ****
Posted on June 15, 2015
What is an Immigrant?
At the beginning of the year we got an assignment to describe what we thought immigration was.
Dan and Jen gave us the same assignment in June and we described what immigration is. I knew a lot more in June.
Posted on June 15, 2015
Math Reflection
I am proud of this assignment because it is clear and it was my first time using a strategy and I did very well. The strategy is called shift the difference. I call it shift.
I think that this assignment needs work because it it is not clear and it needs a bit more explaining. After a while I can’t understand my old work.
Posted on June 15, 2015
My Book Reviews
I wrote many book reviews this year. These are my two favorites. They are Hoot by Carl Hiassen and Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar.
Hoot was my favorite because I made a diorama and a sonic pics slideshow. I didn’t just do a review with words.
I also liked Sideways Stories From Wayside School because I feel like I did a good job on a book that is structured in a different way and it was my favorite book.
Posted on June 15, 2015
Jacob Riis

This is an assignment when we had to put what we thought this little girl was thinking. Jacob Riis took this picture. Jacob Riis was a photographer who made a book about the poor immigrants living on the Lower East Side. When he asked her why she wasn’t in school, she said, “I Scrubs.” This picture is from 1890.