Art NYC map Project

In art class I am filling in the New York city flag with The subway map. i would have the outline of the New York City flag and have the train map inside it. For this Project I… Read More

Sandstorm (Shabanu’ Grandfather)

One night I went to sleep on the chair in front of Shabanu’s House not knowing what dangers lead ahead of me. I didn’t wake up to the usual bugs stinging me awake, instead, I woke up to… Read More

My war memories (Grandfather from Shabanu)

I remember a long time ago when I was fighting for Pakistan in the war of Cholistan against The Hindu Raja of Bikaner from India. It was a tough war, not just because of the opponent, but because… Read More

Cartographer Guild

During the pageant, there were many people who were coming to my cartography shop. Sometimes there were multiple people in my shop and at others there was nobody. When there was 4 or 5 people listening to my… Read More

Muscular system artistic overview

In science Max, Harrison and I are studying the muscular system, and the three types of muscles (cardiac, smooth and skeletal). Some fun things about the muscular are, one: the walls of the digestive track are actually muscles…. Read More

Cellular Respiration Lab

Very recently in science we did a cellular respiration lab. Each and every one of us in the grade got to choose what they are testing. Ana, Jade and my projects were basically the same so we paired… Read More

Intramural Basketball

The 2017 Intramural Basketball season has started. There are five teams competing for the ‘gold’. Those teams are Maroon (the team I am on), Green, Blue, Brown and, Black.  So far the Green team is in 1st place… Read More

Photosynthesis Lab

Flag map

  This is my map that I colored in, in humanities class. I am proud of this piece because I love flags and I think shading in countries with their flag is really cool.

Spanish Skeleton

  This is the skeleton that I made for the day of the dead. I drew my aunt, Silvia that died in 2014. I liked this assignment because this made me remember her more.

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