Posted on April 6, 2015
Riccardo’s Journal Entry about Life in Italy
Life was sad and hard in Italy because in my family we didn’t have a lot of money. We were so poor that we didn’t have enough food. We had ten people in our medium sized house. My three cousins, my two sisters, my aunt and uncle, my mom and dad and me! We had so little food,so little money with ten people it didn’t work out. One day we lost our house because we only had 5 Lira . Not enough to have a house.So ten people sat around a campfire with no bed and no covers until we had enough liras to get another house that was two rooms smaller than our house before. The good thing was that we had more beds but two people had to share. We also had more bathrooms but still not enough liras or food.
One day we had heard about America. The people of our town said that the streets in America were paved with gold. They also said that America was full of opportunities. When my dad told me that we were moving to America I freaked out. The next day my dad told me that he was going to America in two days. My dad went two months before us because he was going to find a home for us. When we come we can all stay in our house. I was very sad because my dad was going away and I was leaving my cousins and my best friend. I was leaving My family and everything that I knew so I started to cry. I knew I was taking my backgammon game and my clothes. And if I could I would bring my stuffed animal Monkey. When my dad left I felt really sad because I wasn’t going to see him for two months and two months is a long time.
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