Category: Bobrowski
We are breaking the Limit
All populations have limits
In January and February of 2016, a total of 13 young sperm whales washed up on the beach near the town of Tönning in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. An autopsy revealed that the whales had all died of heart failure. The researchers believe that the young bulls, all between 10-15 years old, may have entered the North Sea by mistake. Since the sea floor here is too shallow for these deep sea dwellers, it caused the whales to become disoriented and perish. This is an example for the rule, “All populations have limits.” I chose this because humans have gone over the limit with trash. Soon bad things with happen with the Earth a lot worse then now. Another example is the human population. It is getting higher and higher. The average person in New York, wastes 4.3 pounds of trash, A DAY! Think of how much trash is wasted in the world in a month.
Atom assessment
Hi world.
This is a picture of a Helium atom I made. In Helium, there are two electrons, two neutrons, and two protons. The two pink balls are electrons, the two blue balls are protons, and the green balls are neutrons. The circles that go around the atom are actually electrons going really fast around the nucleus.
My Big Bang Project
This is my science project The Big Bang.
A inaccuracy of this video is that the thing that started the big bang was smaller than an atom. A accuracy of this video is the atoms spread out Randomly.