Atom assessment

This is a HELIUM ATOM!!!!!
This is a HELIUM ATOM!!!!!!

Hi world.

This is a picture of a Helium atom I made. In Helium, there are two electrons, two neutrons, and two protons. The two pink balls are electrons, the two blue balls are protons, and the green balls are neutrons. The circles that go around the atom are actually electrons going really fast around the nucleus.


Humanities Blog Post

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This is my house that I live in for our humanities project.

My partner and I are representing around 400 people, but this is our house.

I chose this because, it was hard to make. We were going for a different design but it was to0 complicated.

This was our design.
This was our design.

I learned that even if it’s not the best, that does not mean that it’s bad.

End of Quarter Assessment



I am proud that I got all my answer on the first side right!
The last problem was a bit confusing.                                                                                                 My plan to improve is to study more on long division.                                                                   I enjoyed the fist part because I am good at those problems.

Human Computer

We made a human computer in d.lab.Users ->  peripherals -> Bios -> CPU -> Hard drive   -> Ram -> CPU -> Bios ->  I was the CPU. The CPU did a lot most was easier than the peripherals or ram. I would like to be the fan. The fan makes things cooler.


I do not want my font to be like this but it is cool. It was my third try. The theme to my font is A righty Writing With his/hers left hand. The name is Sral.