The view of the Lake from the teepee

The view of the Lake from the teepee

Sammy, Sophia, Emily and I standing in front of our bunk

Sammy, Sophia, Emily and I standing in front of our bunk

My bunk and I at Six Flags

My bunk and I at Six Flags

Me and my friend Elena

Me and my friend Elena

The Camp's Theater

The Camp’s Theater

This summer, for 4 weeks, I went to Camp Danbee. Camp Danbee is a sleep away camp for girls in Massachusetts. In camp all of the bunks have a theme. Last year the theme was farm but it wasn’t that interesting. But this year my bunk theme was Willy Wonka. It was super cool. When you get into the bunk there are fake candy things hanging from the ceiling and in front of every bed there is a candy flavored lip balm. Not only that but there were paper candy bars that said our names in front of our beds with real candy around it. Danbee there are many activities. There’s basketball, waterskiing, Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Soccer, Swimming and so much more. One of my favorite activities was Theater. We always play game like Honey I love you and Freeze. Also I performed a scene from the Lion King with Sammy and Sophia. Something I loved to do was go swimming in the lake with my friends. At the lake there are two water slides and a water trampoline thing called the Rave. At the end of each year they throw all the unclaimed pottery in the lake so you can go diving for it. I can never get any pottery but my friend Elena is great at it. Also, every bunk gets to sleep in the teepee for one night. The teepee is in the woods and it has an amazing view of the lake. There is also a counselor who did the nature activity and we asked her to tell us some tips about camping or getting lost in the woods. It was super fun. We made s’mores and played games. I remember that there was a fox and we thought the fox went into the teepee with all our stuff but the counselor from nature shooed it away. There is a day called trip day which is when all the age groups go to different places. This year we went to Six Flags. It was so fun. To travel to Six Flags you had to drive and there was a bus but there was also two vans and my bunk got to go in the van instead of the bus and we were all super happy about that. I remember when we got to Six Flags I didn’t want to ride almost any ride but my counselor, Mayfer, convinced me to go on a water ride. At one point in the ride we were going through the mountain and we saw a bunch of mechanical miners pretending to mine. We also noticed one by the exit of the mountain but he was just siting. Then as soon as we were about to go down we saw the mechanical miner at the end of the mountain and it turned out he was real. “Smile for the picture when you go down!” he said. This scared Sammy and I because we thought he wasn’t real. We also did a few more rides and stuff and then we ate dinner and then we left. I remember the closing campfire. The closing campfire is the night before you leave camp. At the closing campfire, Jay, one of the directors of the camp talks. He made a speech about camp and then passed around the microphone so they could say something that they tried new this summer. Then we all got our wish boats. Wish boats are tiny wooden boats with a candle on them. The wish boats are a camp tradition. I picked out a wish boat and then headed lit it. After a few tries of lighting my wish boat (The wind kept blowing it out) I finally headed down to the lake. I made a wish and then gently pushed it out into the water. When everybody had done so I stepped back and looked at the lake dotted with little lights. It was really pretty.