Shark Tank Simulation

These are the final graphs of the two simulations I did today in science. We started out with three different species which are Shark, Minnow, and Seaweed. In each round the different species would try to survive. The way they remain alive is by eating, or in the Seaweeds case just by surviving. The Minnows have to each eat one seaweed plant to live for two months, and they can eat more to extend their population. The Shark has to eat two Minnows to survive, and two extra to extend their population.

The first time we tried the simulation it was not successful ( see the first graph). I think the experiment failed because we didn’t have concise strategy. The second time ( see the second graph) was a huge success. Our strategy was to have sacrifices in the population for the Shark to survive. And for the Minnows, the Seaweed was rationed just enough so that the Seaweed population would survive the two months. By comparing the graphs you can see that the second strategy worked better.


FBI Demands Apple to Create a Skeleton Key

The FBI wants Apple to create a skeleton key to bypass the security feature on the Phone of a terrorist. My dad and I talked about the facts, and our ideas on how to resolve the issue. Can we trust the government won’t abuse their usage of the key? A few years ago an employee of the NSA (National Security Agency) named Edward Snowden exposed information on the U.S government’s secret spy program on it’s own citizens. Since then companies have been taking extra safety precautions on privacy.

In this case the FBI went to a court to get a warrant to be able to search the iphone, in the same way they get a warrant to search a house. Search warrants are an important tool for policing our society, and after much discussion with my dad I believe that there is no difference from getting a warrant to search a house and a warrant to search a phone. Therefore Apple should work with the FBI rather than against the FBI. My idea for this is for the key to never leave Apple’s lab so it can’t be abused by the FBI or any other government agency. Apple can put the files that the government wants into a special flash drive. As long as the government gets a warrant Apple can repeat this process and help the government in the war against terrorism.






My Brooklyn Museum Experience!

My experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was exhilarating. I felt exhilarated because I was so nervous that no one would be interested in my topic, but I pushed through and everyone looked impressed with my knowledge after I was finished. One thing I learned about note-taking is that you can’t copy the author’s words. When it comes to taking notes, I am now more comfortable with putting the information into my own words. One thing that is still challenging for me about note taking is not writing in full sentences.


My Book Partnership!

My partner and I read Bud, not Buddy. Our partnership was enjoyable and fun because we are so much alike. I really like my partner, Stella, and would like to work with her again. I’m proud that I talked more in our discussions. One challenge for me was to not read a head. I love just reading for a while and the book is so interesting.

Photo 2016-02-25 01.10.03 PM


Gun Violence

Gun violence is shooting random people or groups of people for no reason. In my opinion gun violence is a real problem that Obama has not yet to fully fix. He has made it so you need to have a background check and a license to buy a gun, but even if someone is supposedly good they can still turn bad and shoot. My opinion in fixing this crisis is that the only people allowed to own and carry a gun are approved by their superiors and are a part of a safety department in the FBI or the Police Departments. The Government would need to change the Second Amendment to accompany this change, but I believe the constitution will do it if necessary.

I do not agree with NRA (National Rifle Association) and the Second Amendment because that puts everyone in danger of gun violence from mentally ill people and criminals. The NRA goes against my solution to gun violence in a way that they want everyone to be able to have a gun, but realistically not everyone is safe with a gun. A gun is extremely dangerous because not only is it long-distant, you can also use the metal part to knock someone out, and the bullets are super powerful. In conclusion guns are not safe and should not be passed around like a toy.


My Texture Paper Collage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo on 1-21-16 at 8.54 AM

This is my Texture Paper Collage. We began making this collage by picking a color scheme of primary, secondary, or analogous color arrangements. An analogous color scheme is more than one colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. For example, I chose the analogous color scheme of red orange, orange, and yellow orange. Then we started to make six different texture papers with our chosen pallet, two for each color scheme. The different textures like bumpy, swirly, tiny circles, fluffy, rough, and smooth. Then we drew still pictures of animals and other objects displayed in my picture. I drew a turtle,  a ball, and a vase/bottle. Finally we ripped up our texture papers and created our drawings into a collage. This was a project to test our knowledge on color schemes.


Photo on 1-21-16 at 8.39 AM

This is my Zoetrope! A Zoetrope is a form of animation, instead of using the computer you draw a bunch of pictures, and spin them really fast (normally in a cylinder). The speed that the drawings are going in makes an illusion that the pictures are actually moving. You have to make each slide of the Zoetrope move in small increments to make the animation look clean, similar to stop motion animation. By using tiny circles I learned to eliminate the absent spaces. I think this is an example of my best work!

Math Assessment

Photo on 12-10-15 at 8.59 PM #2 Photo on 12-10-15 at 8.59 PM #3


I am super proud of the GCF and LCM assessment given last week! I didn’t get a lot of practice in on this particular strategy, so when I got it back my mind was blown. The first time Robin explained the strategy was on a Monday when I was in math seminar.  I was a bit confused when I first learned the concept.  I continued to work on it until it made sense.  It paid off.



This is the atom Beryllium, it’s atomic number is four which means it has four protons and four neutrons. It has five electrons because it’s atomic mass is 9.00. You might be wondering why it has five electrons when it’s atomic mass is 9.00. This is because there is a simple math problem to solve. To get the exact number of electrons, subtract the atomic number minus the atomic mass. Every atom is comprised of electrons, neutrons, and protons. Electrons has -1 electric pulse while protons have +1 electric pulse; therefore, they cancel each other out. You’d probably guess neutrons are neutral.  The protons and neutrons are bound together by gravity. The electrons are found in the electron cloud which orbits around the protons and neutrons. The electrons swirl around the neutrons and protons, while the neutrons and protons orbit around each other, and they never stop. Beryllium is actually used to make other metals stronger in general sense. I think that is pretty cool.

Hey! This is my Personal Narrative!

I got the wind knocked out of me. It is possible that I could of landed on my feet, but that didn’t happen because I fell right on my tailbone… How about five minutes earlier, just to make everything make sense…

He reared, bucked, leaped, and ran. Everything that a spooked horse would do. While all that happened, I just thought “WOAH! What is happening? I have no idea! AHHHHHHH!” It was like a roller coaster, yeah I like that. It flashed before my eyes right before my brain could catch up. Maybe it is like when you remember a memory that you didn’t know before.

I fell, flying through the air. Up and up and up it almost to the ceiling. Weeeee, (Nope)! I sunk to the ground as soon as I have taken lift off. Right on my butt, BAM! I was on the muddy dirt ground. Here we go, back where I started. My breathing did get shallow, probably because the wind got knocked out of me. I also got scared, afraid of that horse, Louie. An earthquake after shock. Rumbling, shaking, everybody running, afraid, scared. I might have quit horseback riding. And right then and there reality came back. It was like a bowling ball doing a lopoddity loop. Hitting all those pins, you celebrating, then it coming straight back at you, hitting right in the middle of your stomach. I was shocked, eyes shut trying to hold myself together. Like a building that’s about to fall. Then they rushed in; the instructors comforted me, told me that I was ok, and that I got the wind knocked out of me. They explained what that was, sort of. It made no sense, most of it probably because I was crying through the whole explanation. My mom came in and pulled me into her lap ( my building of protection fell,  my mom a crane rebuilding me). Everyone staring, I don’t care. I just fell of a horse, I smelled my mom’s pants. The smell conforted me, I knew she was there. I thought about what just happened. Pulling each and everything into the mind of me. Piece by piece, brick by brick. “Getting on the horse named Louie, walking in the rink a little bit, start trotting, spooks, rears, runs, I fall off, shallow breathing, people run, crying, mom, right now.” After that load of thinking I need a walk (the weight coming back), to walk off the stiff feeling that you can’t move. The building of my mind coming back. To walk off the pain, the thoughts, trying to calm down. The building is secure, just shaken. I smell the cold air of the evening, I look around I see others riding. Having fun, not knowing what could happen right now. I smile looking, watching them knowing that they are learning. Like I do, I stop walking and think.

My mom starts talking, a pep talk I believe. “I know you just got bucked off but you can get back on. Have a great time and ride. You took a lot of air and that must of hurt but you can go on and, have fun. You will build yourself up, and go at your peak. Just keep on riding and you love the horses. That will never get in the way of anything. Know that, and go on and ride.” With that I started walking back, with that I said “Thanks Mom. I will ride on again.” Me and my mom went up the stairs to the office to see if I am riding Louie again.  


Hey! This is my Personal Narrative! I choose to this piece to because it was a challenge finding the right words to describe this hmm… whats the right word… important adventure. It was really hard to define words into different categories, so that I could make my writing meaningful. Like not literately, non-realistic and realistic. I really wanted to make whoever was reading really understand the experience. I also put in a lot of analogies, I love analogies! I had to work really hard on cutting out analogies because there were to many. A learning habit I focused on was focusing on focusing on my work instead of getting distracted. Finally from working on this piece I learned to many analogies will make your writing piece very confusing.



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