
This is the reptile professional holding a huge snapping turtle. The animal show happened at night in the Ashokan Center. There I am in the blue shirt sitting in the second row. I look scared, right? Most of the girls decided to get changed into there pjs because we thought that it would be more comfortable during the performance. My take away is that this turtle is much bigger than the ones in cartoons.


The Mysterious Benedict Society By Trenton Lee Stewart

cover.225x225-75The name of the book I read is The Mysterious Benedict Society (book one), the book is by Trenton Lee Stewart. The book takes place in Stonetown (somewhere on the planet Earth), in present time. The main characters are Reynard “Reynie” Muldoon, George “Sticky”  Washington, Kate “The Great Kate Weather Machine” Wetherall, and Constance Contraire. The main problem is that they have to overcome their differences and learn to work together to save the world from Ledroptha Curtain, and his Whisperer machine before he makes the world his piece of paper.


“Sometimes, Reynie, trouble itself is the key.” – Mr. Benedict. The biggest turning point is when the characters (The Mysterious Benedict Society) worked together to shut down the Whisperer by confusing it. After bickering constantly about all the secrets and things they wouldn’t tell each other, they finally bonded together as a team and friends. Throughout the story an important decision is whether to cheat or not to cheat to get higher up in the ranks to become a messenger. Messengers go into the Whisperer and learn more about how Mr. Curtain is able to bend almost everyone’s minds. In the end the big problems do fade away but their shadows are still there.


This is a breathtaking book, and there are many examples as to why. But, for right now just three. The first example is that the characters are so relatable, a little bit of yourself is in every character. Constance is determined, stubborn, and very resistant to anything she doesn’t like. Reynie is the go to for puzzles, and problems guy. Kate is very resourceful, and adventurous. Finally, Sticky is the know-it-all.    The second example is that  the story was never boring, or dull, and it never made me want to do other things. The third example is that some of the many riddles and clever wordplay was easy to solve before the characters did, and other times you  just have to go along with the book and the characters. The kind of reader that would enjoy this series is a reader that loves to think, and enjoys some mystery as well as action. The book gives you a lot of uncoded messages that you as well as the characters have to figure out. If I were to rate this book from 1 to 10 stars, I’d give it a full on 10. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My Favorite Posts on Dan & Jen’s 4th Grade Blog

These are my favorite posts from the blog. Why don’t you check them out also don’t forget to comment on them too.

The Farm Movies

I chose this one because I thought it was important to share my experience at the farm.

Land of Liberty: The Play

I chose this one because people may want to see pictures and hear about the play.

A Visitor from Nepal

I chose this one because the earthquake is really hard for some people.

A Busy Week

I chose this one because that busy week was important to our immigration study, and it was really fun!

Farm, Day 3

I chose this one because our poems, also share our farm experience.

Middle School is Right Around the Corner

I chose that one because our reflections about middle school is important.

The Fourth Grade Play: The Preview

I chose this one because the preview was really cool, and maybe people would like to see the play.

2014 Reflections

I chose this one because it is important to see what we thought before winter break.

My Two Favorite Book Reviews

These are my two favorite book reviews.

This is my newest and my favorite.

This Book is Not Good for You

That is my favorite because the way I used the slides, and because it was different than the rest of the book reviews. I used the slides in a way that transitions one part to the other.

This is my 2nd favorite.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

This is my 2nd favorite because it was my first book review and my writing got a lot better. My writing got a lot better because my little parts of the book got people on edge to read the books that I read.

My Kai Poem

image imageWe wrote this poem after we read the book Kai’s Journey to Gold Mountain. The book is about a boy going to San Francisco, and through his life in Angel Island. After that we were to write a poem in Kai’s perspective. This is it, Ta da!   

Jacob Riis “I Scrubs”

imageWe got this picture and one sentence of what the girl said before Jacob A. Riis took her picture. Then Dan and Jen told us what to write about what she thought in just a few sentences. They also gave it to our parents at Curriculum Night, they got the same question. But my parents were way off! It was really funny to see there answers to the question too.


Old and new map


This is my New map. I made it in June!


This is my Old Map. I made it in September.

We made a map from what we knew, and know about geography. Knowing about the places in the world are important for immigration because immigrants are from all different places and there is a different journey for everyone, sometimes depending where they are from.


Mars: My Wiggly Line Story

This is my Wiggly line writing. The way we did this is that first we got a wiggly line then we are supposed to draw something out of it and make a story. As time went on we edited the first one and then made a sequel. We edited the sequel and then added the first story and the second story combined. And that created this, ta da.





Geraldene the Tofurkey walks on to the space shuttle. She is nervous, but excited. She is about to be the first Tofurkey to go to Mars, she straps the seat belt tight. She knows she is vital to the future of the Mars program.


She slowly breaths in. “shshshshup.” Then she reaches for the taco paste. “Yummmm! Then she grabs the bottle of juice. “Ahhh. That paste was good.” She breathes in again but this time there is a gulp at the end. Mission control calls in, “Geraldene are you ready?!”


Geraldene gulps but then she reassures Mission control, “yes I am ready.” In her big, bulky space suit, she reaches for the red switch, it says ‘accelerator’.


She takes one big breath. Then she flicks the switch. The machine starts the countdown. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”



Years later, after much exploration.  Geraldine sees Mars,  she is scared but excited, brave, but worried. Maybe she will live, maybe not.

“Mission control. I see Mars coming in“, Geraldine says excitedly! “Oh my, Houston we got a problem. Some asteroids are in my way to Mars”, Geraldine hastily says shortly after.


“Geraldine use the Mars missiles 1 2 3 4 5 and 6. “This should move the rocks,”  replies mission control.


Geraldine pushed the button that says Mars Missile number 1. The missile shots out, so fast that the fastest person in the world can not keep up. One small asteroid blew up.


“Oh, no there are not enough missiles” , says Geraldine worriedly. “Well I am probably going to crash and expire shortly after, so I might as well write my will” ,concludes Geraldine.



by Geraldine the first tofurkey to Mars


  • Everything goes to my lazy brother Gerald and his cat Ham.


“Oh my my predictions were right! I am going to CRASH!”


“BEEP BEEP BEEP!” goes the rocket.


“Mission control! Come in I need you!”


“SZSZSZSSZSZSSZSZSSZSZ”, replies the radio.

“Oh no, everything is going wrong! The rocket is burning, I won’t survive”, sadly remarks Geraldine. “AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”



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