My Coat of Arms

This is my own coat of arms that I created today. A basic coat of arms just needs a shield, but there is a lot more you can do. An example is a supporter, they are normally regular animals but I decided to do a mythical animal, the Hydra. Different supporters can mean different things, the Hydra means conquest of a powerful enemy. Another part that you can add is colors (also known as tinctures). I chose to use gold, green, blue, silver, and white. Gold means generosity and elevation of the mind, green means hope; joy, and loyalty in love; blue means truth and loyalty; and silver/white means peace and sincerity. You can also use plants or flowers, I chose a white rose in the center of my shield. A white rose means love and faith. Finally you can have a motto, the one I chose is victor exercitus, in latin that means conquest of a powerful enemy. I got all my information from,-family-crests-and-seals-mean


Morning News: Irena Sendler

Irena Sendler is a Catholic woman that saved 2,500 Jewish children during the Holocaust. She smuggled them from Warsaw’s ghetto; a ghetto is the poorest part of a city where the residents are lacking basic needs like food and health care. Every time she took one child she escaped death, because to help a Jew meant the person was risking summary execution (put to death). She helped create an underground network that ferried children in coffins, tool boxes, and under coats to non-Jewish families.


Irena Sendlerowa at the Social Security Office in Warsaw (circa 1949) Photo: ZGRZEMBSKA JANINA ARCHIWUM/EAST NEWS New York Post

When a Christian child died in an orphanage, Irena would give his or her name to a Jewish child. The key part was to never report the death. She would give the name and registry number so the child would be safe with a new identity. Irena then would write the original name down and bury it under an apple tree, so when the war was over the children could get their names back.

During the Holocaust the ghetto was surrounded by barbed wire and brick walls. Six to seven people lived in every room . Irena was working at the Citizens’ Social Aid Committee so with her job she was able to get in to the ghetto. Along with helping children get out, she created fake welfare accounts for Jewish families, because theirs were frozen. To make sure that the Germans didn’t go and visit the families, Irena added that they had contagious diseases.

After it was over Irena tried to find the buried names, but no luck. The city was so destroyed that you couldn’t even find your own backyard. Instead, Irena had to remember the children’s names so she can give them to the families abroad.

Overall Irena Sendler didn’t just save the 2,500 children, she saved so many more, future generations to come.

My Tomb Painting

Farin PaintingThis is my tomb painting that I made in art. We made our tomb paintings for our Egyptian Tomb because Egyptians would sketch pictures onto the walls of the tomb. We first sketched our idea for our picture then outlined it in sharpie. Finally we water colored our painting to give it a washed out look instead of painting it with another type of paint. My tomb painting is of Hatshepsut sitting on a throne with people worshipping her. She is wearing a nemes headdress (the sign of a pharaoh) because she wanted to be portrayed as a man instead of a woman.

My Strength in Math

One area of strength for me this quarter has been decimals because I understanded the way to do the algorithm and memorized the important decimals very easily. Since my dad introduced me to decimals I’ve enjoyed solving decimals the moment I learned how to. When we started this unit I was very ecstatic because I’ve done this before. That section helped me learn more ways to solve the problems and more decimals I remember now. Here is a piece of evidence on my strength. 


Chinese New Year!

This year we had a Chinese new year celebration, and as a part of the Mandarin class we had an opportunity to perform. Every grade had a piece to showcase on stage during the gathering. We learned exciting four character sentences and attempted to teach them to the audience, our performance turned out very well. In addition, we surprised the audience by using the Chinese art form, calligraphy, to write out the characters of our sentences on a special sheet of rice paper imported from China. In the end it was very enjoyable to go up and share my knowledge.


That’s us performing!

Shark Tank Simulation

These are the final graphs of the two simulations I did today in science. We started out with three different species which are Shark, Minnow, and Seaweed. In each round the different species would try to survive. The way they remain alive is by eating, or in the Seaweeds case just by surviving. The Minnows have to each eat one seaweed plant to live for two months, and they can eat more to extend their population. The Shark has to eat two Minnows to survive, and two extra to extend their population.

The first time we tried the simulation it was not successful ( see the first graph). I think the experiment failed because we didn’t have concise strategy. The second time ( see the second graph) was a huge success. Our strategy was to have sacrifices in the population for the Shark to survive. And for the Minnows, the Seaweed was rationed just enough so that the Seaweed population would survive the two months. By comparing the graphs you can see that the second strategy worked better.


My Brooklyn Museum Experience!

My experience giving my docent talk at The Brooklyn Museum was exhilarating. I felt exhilarated because I was so nervous that no one would be interested in my topic, but I pushed through and everyone looked impressed with my knowledge after I was finished. One thing I learned about note-taking is that you can’t copy the author’s words. When it comes to taking notes, I am now more comfortable with putting the information into my own words. One thing that is still challenging for me about note taking is not writing in full sentences.


Gun Violence

Gun violence is shooting random people or groups of people for no reason. In my opinion gun violence is a real problem that Obama has not yet to fully fix. He has made it so you need to have a background check and a license to buy a gun, but even if someone is supposedly good they can still turn bad and shoot. My opinion in fixing this crisis is that the only people allowed to own and carry a gun are approved by their superiors and are a part of a safety department in the FBI or the Police Departments. The Government would need to change the Second Amendment to accompany this change, but I believe the constitution will do it if necessary.

I do not agree with NRA (National Rifle Association) and the Second Amendment because that puts everyone in danger of gun violence from mentally ill people and criminals. The NRA goes against my solution to gun violence in a way that they want everyone to be able to have a gun, but realistically not everyone is safe with a gun. A gun is extremely dangerous because not only is it long-distant, you can also use the metal part to knock someone out, and the bullets are super powerful. In conclusion guns are not safe and should not be passed around like a toy.


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